zathurarc 1.6 KB

  1. # zathurarc-light
  2. # from
  3. #set font "inconsolata 9"
  4. set font "PragmataPro 9"
  5. ## Coloration for FG/BG & BARS
  6. set default-bg "#E0E0E0" #06
  7. set default-fg "#202020" #01
  8. set statusbar-fg "#303030" #02
  9. set statusbar-bg "#B0B0B0" #04
  10. set inputbar-bg "#B0B0B0" #04
  11. set inputbar-fg "#303030" #02
  12. set notification-error-bg "#AC4142" #08
  13. set notification-error-fg "#E0E0E0" #06
  14. set notification-warning-bg "#AC4142" #08
  15. set notification-warning-fg "#E0E0E0" #06
  16. set highlight-color "#F4BF75" #0A
  17. set highlight-active-color "#AA759F" #08
  18. set completion-highlight-fg "#D0D0D0" #05
  19. set completion-highlight-bg "#75B5AA" #0C
  20. set completion-bg "#D0D0D0" #05
  21. set completion-fg "#75B5AA" #0C
  22. set notification-bg "#90A959" #0B
  23. set notification-fg "#F5F5F5" #07
  24. ## PDF coloration
  25. set recolor-lightcolor "#E0E0E0" #06
  26. set recolor-darkcolor "#303030" #02
  27. set recolor "true"
  28. # setting recolor-keephue true will keep any color your pdf
  29. # has. If it is set to false, it will just be shades of
  30. # gray. (lol 50 shades of gray)
  31. set recolor-keephue "true"
  32. ## Rest of your configs go here:
  33. set selection-clipboard clipboard ## Make real clipboard work
  34. set window-title-basename "true" ## Use shortname for title
  35. set adjust-open width ## Open to width
  36. set database "null" ## Don't save bockmarks/input hist