12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637 |
- -- some examples for structural order in the termination checker
- module StructuralOrder where
- data Nat : Set where
- zero : Nat
- succ : Nat -> Nat
- -- c t > t for any term t
- -- e.g., succ (succ y) > succ y
- plus : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
- plus x (succ (succ y)) = succ (plus x (succ y))
- plus x (succ zero) = succ x
- plus x zero = x
- -- constructor names do not matter
- -- c (c' t) > c'' t
- -- e.g. c0 (c1 x) > c0 x
- -- c0 (c0 x) > c1 x
- -- Actually constructor names does matter until the non-mattering is
- -- implemented properly.
- {- TEMPORARILY REMOVED by Ulf since there are problems with the constructor-name ignoring
- data Bin : Set where
- eps : Bin
- c0 : Bin -> Bin
- c1 : Bin -> Bin
- foo : Bin -> Nat
- foo eps = zero
- foo (c0 eps) = zero
- foo (c0 (c1 x)) = succ (foo (c0 x))
- foo (c0 (c0 x)) = succ (foo (c1 x))
- foo (c1 x) = succ (foo x)
- -}