123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354 |
- ..
- ::
- module language.telescopes where
- .. _telescopes:
- **********
- Telescopes
- **********
- .. note::
- This is a stub.
- Irrefutable Patterns in Binding Positions
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ..
- ::
- module pattern-tele where
- open import Agda.Builtin.Sigma
- open import Agda.Builtin.Equality
- private
- variable
- A : Set
- B : A → Set
- Since Agda 2.6.1, irrefutable patterns can be used at every binding site in a
- telescope to take the bound value of record type apart. The type of the second
- projection out of a dependent pair will for instance naturally mention the value
- of the first projection. Its type can be defined directly using an irrefutable
- pattern as follows:
- ::
- proj₂ : ((a , _) : Σ A B) → B a
- And this second projection can be implemented with a lamba-abstraction using
- one of these irrefutable patterns taking the pair apart:
- ::
- proj₂ = λ (_ , b) → b
- Using an as-pattern makes it possible to name the argument and to take it
- apart at the same time. We can for instance prove that any pair is equal
- to the pairing of its first and second projections, a property commonly
- called eta-equality:
- ::
- eta : (p@(a , b) : Σ A B) → p ≡ (a , b)
- eta p = refl