MdHighlightCode.html 1.3 KB

  1. # MdHighlightCode
  2. + Avdol
  3. + Yes!
  4. + I!
  5. + Am!
  6. + Jojo!
  7. > Jojo! This is the last of my hamon! Take it from me!!
  8. **Everything above should be preserved**
  9. ```haskell
  10. module Kira where
  11. data KillerQueue
  12. -- this code should be preserved
  13. ```
  14. <pre class="agda-code"><a id="253" class="Keyword">module</a> <a id="260" href="MdHighlightCode.html" class="Module">MdHighlightCode</a> <a id="276" class="Keyword">where</a>
  15. <a id="283" class="Keyword">open</a> <a id="288" class="Keyword">import</a> <a id="295" href="Agda.Builtin.Nat.html" class="Module">Agda.Builtin.Nat</a>
  16. </pre>
  17. This is an Agda code block ↑
  18. <pre class="agda-code"><a id="number"></a><a id="351" href="MdHighlightCode.html#351" class="Function">number</a> <a id="358" class="Symbol">:</a> <a id="360" href="Agda.Builtin.Nat.html#97" class="Datatype">Nat</a>
  19. <a id="364" href="MdHighlightCode.html#351" class="Function">number</a> <a id="371" class="Symbol">=</a> <a id="373" href="Agda.Builtin.Nat.html#128" class="InductiveConstructor">suc</a> <a id="377" class="Symbol">(</a><a id="378" href="Agda.Builtin.Nat.html#128" class="InductiveConstructor">suc</a> <a id="382" href="Agda.Builtin.Nat.html#115" class="InductiveConstructor">zero</a><a id="386" class="Symbol">)</a>
  20. </pre>
  21. This is an Agda code block as well ↑