May-2011.tex 1.3 KB

  1. \documentclass{article}
  2. \usepackage{hcar}
  3. \begin{document}
  4. \begin{hcarentry}[section,updated]{Agda}
  5. \label{agda}
  6. \report{Nils Anders Danielsson}%05/11
  7. \status{actively developed}
  8. \participants{Ulf Norell, Andreas Abel, and many others}
  9. \makeheader
  10. Agda is a dependently typed functional programming language (developed
  11. using Haskell). A central feature of Agda is inductive families, i.e.\
  12. GADTs which can be indexed by \emph{values} and not just types. The
  13. language also supports coinductive types, parameterized modules, and
  14. mixfix operators, and comes with an \emph{interactive} interface---the
  15. type checker can assist you in the development of your code.
  16. A lot of work remains in order for Agda to become a full-fledged
  17. programming language (good libraries, mature compilers, documentation,
  18. etc.), but already in its current state it can provide lots of fun as
  19. a platform for experiments in dependently typed programming.
  20. In February version 2.2.10 was released. This release includes a new
  21. compiler backend, implemented by Daniel Gustafsson and Olle
  22. Fredriksson. The backend incorporates several new optimisations, based
  23. on work by Edwin Brady and others, and work is in progress to add even
  24. more optimisations.
  25. \FurtherReading
  26. The Agda Wiki: \url{}
  27. \end{hcarentry}
  28. \end{document}