May-2009.tex 1.6 KB

  1. \documentclass{article}
  2. \usepackage{hcar}
  3. \begin{document}
  4. \begin{hcarentry}[updated]{Agda}
  5. \label{agda}
  6. \report{Nils Anders Danielsson}%05/09
  7. \status{actively developed}
  8. \participants{Ulf Norell and many others}
  9. \makeheader
  10. Do you crave for highly expressive types, but do not want to resort to
  11. type-class hackery? Then Agda might provide a view of what the future
  12. has in store for you.
  13. Agda is a dependently typed functional programming language (developed
  14. using Haskell). The language has inductive families, i.e.\ GADTs which
  15. can be indexed by \emph{values} and not just types. Other goodies
  16. include coinductive types, parameterized modules, mixfix operators,
  17. and an \emph{interactive} Emacs interface (the type checker can assist
  18. you in the development of your code).
  19. A lot of work remains in order for Agda to become a full-fledged
  20. programming language (good libraries, mature compilers, documentation,
  21. etc.), but already in its current state it can provide lots of fun as
  22. a platform for experiments in dependently typed programming.
  23. New since last time:
  24. \begin{itemize}
  25. \item Versions 2.2.0 and 2.2.2 have been released. The previous
  26. release was in 2007, so the new versions include lots of changes.
  27. \item Agda is now available on Hackage (\texttt{cabal install
  28. Agda-executable}).
  29. \item Highlighted, hyperlinked HTML can be generated from Agda source
  30. code using \texttt{agda --html}.
  31. \item The Agda Wiki is better organized, so it should be easier for a
  32. newcomer to find relevant information.
  33. \end{itemize}
  34. \FurtherReading
  35. The Agda Wiki: \url{}
  36. \end{hcarentry}
  37. \end{document}