Blog.php 9.3 KB

  1. <?php namespace App\Controllers;
  2. use CodeIgniter\Controller;
  3. use \App\Models\BlogModel;
  4. use \App\Andy\Utility;
  5. use \App\Andy\ImgPreCheck;
  6. use CodeIgniter\I18n\Time;
  7. use \App\Andy\BlogManager;
  8. class Blog extends BaseController
  9. {
  10. protected $blogId;
  11. protected $myDate;
  12. protected $myTime;
  13. protected $blogImages="blogImages";
  14. public function __construct()
  15. {
  16. parent::__construct();
  17. $this->myTime = parent::getTime();
  18. $this->myDate= date("d/m/Y",$this->myTime);
  19. }
  20. public function altMethod()
  21. {
  22. $BlogHandle = new BlogManager(model(BlogModel::class));
  23. $result= $BlogHandle->list();
  24. var_dump($result);
  25. echo "place holder for trying dependency injection";
  26. }
  27. public function doCount()
  28. {
  29. $handle = new BlogModel();
  30. $mycount= $handle->count();
  31. }
  32. public function doPaginate()
  33. {
  34. $handle = new BlogModel();
  35. $data = [
  36. 'title'=>'paginate',
  37. 'blogs' => $handle->paginate(5),
  38. 'pager' => $handle->pager,
  39. 'date'=>$this->myDate
  40. ];
  41. echo view('listBlogsPaginate',$data);
  42. }
  43. public function showArticle($theSlug)
  44. {
  45. $handle = new BlogModel();
  46. $result= $handle->getArticle($theSlug);
  47. $data =[
  48. 'title'=>'andything',
  49. 'blog'=>$result,
  50. 'date'=>$this->myDate
  51. ];
  52. echo view('blogArticle',$data);
  53. }
  54. public function listBlogs()
  55. {
  56. $handle = new BlogModel();
  57. $result= $handle->getAll();
  58. $data =[
  59. 'title'=>'andything',
  60. 'blogs'=>$result,
  61. 'date'=>$this->myDate
  62. ];
  63. echo view('listBlogs',$data);
  64. }
  65. public function blogForm()
  66. {
  67. // displays form to submit newblog
  68. $data =[
  69. 'title'=>'new blog',
  70. 'info'=>'&nbsp;',
  71. 'date'=>$this->myDate
  72. ];
  73. echo view('form4',$data);
  74. }
  75. public function newBlogArticle()
  76. {
  77. //accepts post data from form4 and processes form submission of data for new blog
  78. //what im going to do is filter out bad chars
  79. $title = $this->request->getVar('title');
  80. $date= $this->request->getVar('date');
  81. $article = $this->request->getVar('article');
  82. //now to remove ALL bad chars, can always do an edit
  83. $utilityHandle= new Utility();
  84. $cleanTitle=$utilityHandle->badCharsRemoveAll($title);
  85. $cleanDate= $utilityHandle->badCharsRemoveAll($date);
  86. $cleanArticle1 = $utilityHandle->removeScript($article);
  87. $cleanArticle2= $utilityHandle->convertQuotes($cleanArticle1);
  88. $cleanArticle = $utilityHandle->newRegex($cleanArticle2);
  89. $file = $this->request->getFile('userfile');
  90. // $name= $file->getName();
  91. $name= $file->getClientName();
  92. echo $name;
  93. $tempfile = $file->getTempName();
  94. $slug= url_title($cleanTitle);
  95. //nowsome pre checks
  96. $handle = new ImgPreCheck();
  97. //ImgPreCheck is one of my classes
  98. $logic = $handle->allReadyExists($this->blogImages,$name);
  99. if($logic == "true")
  100. {
  101. $data =[
  102. 'title'=>'andything',
  103. 'info'=>'image with that name already exists',
  104. 'date'=>$this->myDate
  105. ];
  106. echo view('form4',$data);
  107. exit();
  108. }
  109. $logic2 = $handle->extCheck($name);
  110. if($logic2 == 0)
  111. {
  112. $data =[
  113. 'title'=>'andything',
  114. 'info'=>'that is not an image file',
  115. 'date'=>$this->myDate
  116. ];
  117. echo view('form4',$data);
  118. exit();
  119. }
  120. $size= $handle->getFileSize($tempfile);
  121. if($size > 250000)
  122. {
  123. $data =[
  124. 'title'=>'andything',
  125. 'info'=>'thats too large an image file',
  126. 'date'=>$this->myDate
  127. ];
  128. echo view('form4',$data);
  129. exit();
  130. }
  131. try{
  132. // $file->move('blogImages',$name);
  133. $file->move(FCPATH.'blogImages' );
  134. $handle = new BlogModel();
  135. $blogLogic= $handle->insertBlog($cleanTitle,$cleanArticle,$name,$slug,$cleanDate);
  136. }
  137. catch ( \Exception $e)
  138. {
  139. $data = [
  140. 'title' => 'info',
  141. 'info'=>"somwething went wrong with new blog.". $e->getMessage() ,
  142. 'date'=>$this->myDate
  143. ];
  144. echo view('info', $data);
  145. die();
  146. //above try catch works
  147. }
  148. if ($blogLogic == true)
  149. {
  150. $data =[
  151. 'title'=>'blog submission',
  152. 'info'=>'looks like new blog was created ',
  153. 'date'=>$date
  154. ];
  155. echo view('info',$data);
  156. exit();
  157. }
  158. }//end new blog
  159. public function delBlogForm()
  160. {
  161. $myTime = new Time('now');
  162. $date= $myTime->toLocalizedString('MMM d, yyyy');
  163. helper('form');
  164. helper('html');
  165. $handle = New BlogModel();
  166. $result= $handle->getAll();
  167. $data =[
  168. 'title'=>'andything',
  169. 'blogList'=>$result,
  170. 'info'=> '',
  171. 'date'=>$this->myDate
  172. ];
  173. echo view('removeBlogForm',$data);
  174. //end of newblog below
  175. }
  176. public function delBlog()
  177. {
  178. $myTime = new Time('now');
  179. $date= $myTime->toLocalizedString('MMM d, yyyy');
  180. helper('uri');
  181. helper('html');
  182. helper('form');
  183. helper('security');
  184. $this->blogId = $this->request->getVar('BlogId');
  185. $handle= new BlogModel();
  186. $result= $handle->getOneToDel($this->blogId);
  187. if($result==null)
  188. {
  189. $handle= new BlogModel();
  190. $result= $handle->getAll();
  191. $data = [
  192. 'title' => 'del ',
  193. 'blogList'=>$result,
  194. 'info'=>'no such item ',
  195. 'date'=>$this->myDate
  196. ];
  197. echo view('removeBlogForm',$data);
  198. exit();
  199. }
  200. $image= $result['image'];
  201. //first get rid of image
  202. try
  203. {
  204. // chmod(ROOTPATH.'public/blogImages/'.$image,0777);
  205. unlink(ROOTPATH.'public/blogImages/'.$image);
  206. //now need to remove entry from databse
  207. $logic= $handle->deleteOne($this->blogId);
  208. }
  209. catch ( \Exception $e)
  210. {
  211. $data = [
  212. 'title' => 'info',
  213. 'info'=>'somwething went wrong with deleting blog'.$e->getMessage(),
  214. 'date'=>$date
  215. ];
  216. echo view('info', $data);
  217. die();
  218. //above try catch works
  219. }
  220. if ($logic == True)
  221. {
  222. $data =[
  223. 'title'=>'del blog',
  224. 'info'=>'lookes like blog was deleted ',
  225. 'date'=>$this->myDate
  226. ];
  227. echo view('info',$data);
  228. }
  229. }
  230. public function editBlogForm()
  231. {
  232. //will try utility class to strip bad chars
  233. //here another approach is to first convert all quotes to html entitiy
  234. //then in a second round remove bad chars
  235. $handle = new BlogModel();
  236. $result= $handle->getAll();
  237. $data =[
  238. 'title'=>'andything',
  239. 'blogs'=>$result,
  240. 'date'=>$this->myDate
  241. ];
  242. echo view('editBlogForm',$data);
  243. }
  244. public function editBlog($slug)
  245. {
  246. $handle= new BlogModel();
  247. $result= $handle->getArticle($slug);
  248. $data =[
  249. 'title'=>'andything',
  250. 'blog'=>$result,
  251. 'date'=>$this->myDate
  252. ];
  253. echo view('doEditBlog',$data);
  254. }
  255. public function processEditBlog()
  256. {
  257. $title = $this->request->getVar('title');
  258. $article = $this->request->getVar('article');
  259. $blogId= $this->request->getVar('Id');
  260. $slug= url_title($title);
  261. $utilityHandle= new Utility();
  262. $cleanTitle=$utilityHandle->badCharsRemoveAll($title);
  263. $cleanArticle1 = $utilityHandle->removeScript($article);
  264. $cleanArticle2= $utilityHandle->convertQuotes($cleanArticle1);
  265. $cleanArticle3 = $utilityHandle->newRegex($cleanArticle2);
  266. try
  267. {
  268. $handle= new BlogModel();
  269. $result= $handle->amendBlog($blogId,$cleanTitle,$cleanArticle3,$slug);
  270. }
  271. catch ( \Exception $e)
  272. {
  273. $data = [
  274. 'title' => 'info',
  275. 'info'=>'somwething went wrong with editing blog ',
  276. 'date'=>$this->myDate
  277. ];
  278. echo view('info', $data);
  279. die();
  280. //above try catch works
  281. }
  282. if ($result == 1)
  283. {
  284. $data =[
  285. 'title'=>'blog result',
  286. 'info'=>'lookes like edit of blog was successful',
  287. 'date'=>$this->myDate
  288. ];
  289. echo view('info',$data);
  290. }
  291. }
  292. }