1. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. 1. Overview
  3. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. 2. Library Notes & Requirements
  6. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. a. OpenCPN S57 ENC support works best with access to the OpenGL Utility
  8. library GLU. GLU is used to tesselate large polygon areas into small
  9. triangles for faster display rendering. If you cannot use, or do not have
  10. the OpenGL Utility library, you may choose to build OpenCPN with internal
  11. tesselator support. The internal tesselator is sub-optimal compared to GLU,
  12. but it does work, if somewhat slower. OpenGLU is better.
  13. See the Build Notes section for applicable tesselator configuration options.
  14. b. OpenCPN requires WxWidgets Version 3.0.0 or greater. It has been tested
  15. with the following wxWidgets hosts:
  16. GTK3 (__WXGTK__)
  17. MSWindows (__WXMSW__)
  18. MAC OSx (__WXOSX__)
  19. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  20. 3. Platform Specific Build Notes
  21. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  22. Up to date build dependency instructions can be found at
  23., look for
  24. OpenCPN Development.
  25. On Debian/Ubuntu the canonical way to install build depencies is:
  26. $ sudo apt install devscripts equivs
  27. $ sudo mk-build-deps -i -r ci/control
  28. $ sudo apt-get --allow-unauthenticated install -f
  29. ------------------------
  30. Build OpenCPN
  31. ------------------------
  32. Opencpn uses the cmake system. On Linux, the build is performed using:
  33. $ cd {wherever the opencpn base directory is}
  34. $ mkdir build
  35. $ cd build
  36. $ cmake ..
  37. $ make -j 4
  38. $ sudo make install
  39. See the manual at
  40. for build instructions on other platforms.
  41. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  42. 4. File and Directory Permissions under Linux
  43. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  44. It is sufficient for all other directories in /usr/share/opencpn
  45. to have permissions 0755, i.e. exec/searchable and readable by all.
  46. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  47. 5. Support File Locations
  48. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  49. a. Opencpn requires numerous auxiliary data files. These files
  50. are installed by the installer into the following locations by default:
  51. Linux - /usr/local/share/opencpn/
  52. Windows - \Program Files\opencpn\
  53. Mac - /Users/YourUserName/openCPNfiles/
  54. The following directories exist within the above:
  55. .../bitmaps - self evident
  56. .../tcdata - tide and current location data
  57. .../s57data - data files for S57ENC support
  58. .../wvsdata - World Vector Shoreline data
  59. b. Opencpn config files are expected in the following locations:
  60. Linux - ~/.opencpn/opencpn.conf
  61. Windows - \Program Files\opencpn\opencpn.ini
  62. The installer will place nice default files for your use. The first
  63. execution of opencpn will update as needed. If for some reason the
  64. config file is not found, opencpn will offer to create a useable
  65. starting configuration.