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MTS File Format

This document describes the MTS format native to MTSEdit and the Minetest Engine. For other formats that are supported by MTSEdit to import schematics, see import formats.


MTS files are MineTest Schematic files used by the Minetest Engine. This is the default format of MTSEdit for both loading and saving.

All values are stored in BIG endian format.


Offset Length Description
0 4 magic "MTSM"
4 2 file format version, currently 4
6 2 size X
8 2 size Y
10 2 size Z
12 Y layer probability values
12+Y 2 number of strings in Name-ID table

Layer probability values: an unsigned char for each layer, bit 7 is reserved and must be zero, meaning 0x7F maps to 100%.

The header is followed by the Name-ID Table, which is followed by the Block Definitons section.

Name-ID Table

For each string, the following record format repeats:

Offset Length Description
0 2 length of the string (N)
2 N string, block type name

The block IDs in the next section reference these.

MTSEdit uses different block type mappings to generate this table. Those mappings are specified in the blocks.csv file in the data directory.

Block Definitons Section

This part of the file is zlib compressed, with the deflate algorithm using gz header bytes (RFC 1950, but not with the gzip header which has magic bytes too). After uncompressing, the format is as follows:

Offset Length Description
0 2*X*Y*Z block IDs (param0)
2*X*Y*Z X*Y*Z probability values (param1)
3*X*Y*Z X*Y*Z rotation info (param2)

To get the block ID from param0 for a given coordinate (x,y,z), you should calculate the index param0[(Z-z)*Z*Y + y*X + x]. That is right, Z axis is mirrored for some reason unknown to me. That's simply not right if you catch my drift :-) Each block ID is stored on a big endian 2 bytes, although I haven't seen any MTS files yet that used more than 255 block types per file. Also most files store "air" block type in the first type (block ID being 0), but this is not mandatory unfortunately.

Orientation is NOT defined in any way, there's absolutely no convention. MTSEdit however prefers to save schematics in a standardized way, that is, the entrance is on the South side. You can use the "Change Oriantation" icon in the editor to set that right before you save. In the editor's isometric view, South is on the bottom left corner, and North is on the top right. This aligns with the Lua API place_schematics(rotation=0).

Probability values in param1 are encoded on 8-bits. They are indexed the same way as block IDs. Version 3 ranges from 0 to 0xFF, while version 4 uses the same values as for layer probability, from 0 to 0x7F. According to the spec, in version 4 bit 7 means node force placement, but I haven't seen any MTS files yet with that bit set. MTSEdit supports that force placement bit however. For Air blocks, the probability and force placement flag is automatically handled: upon save, all Air blocks outside of rooms will have the probability of 0, while Air blocks inside rooms will have 0xFF (probability 100% plus force placement).

Rotation information is stored in param2. This is the worst documented part of the MTS files. It sometimes has large values, what I could make out from C++ source, orentation is as follows: 0 means normal orientation (block faces North), 1 means rotated by 90 degrees (faces East), 2 means rotated by 180 degrees (faces South), and 3 means rotated by 90 degrees counter clock-wise (faces West). I have absoultely no idea what 4-31 supposed to mean, but MTSEdit will allow those too. If you provide images with more than 4 icons, they will be shown for those rotations.

Addition to the MTS Specification

Normally MTS files can't store ground level information. MTSEdit solves this by setting param2 to 0x20 for air blocks on ground level. This is not a perfect solution (the ground level might have no air blocks), but at least it does not interfere with the Minetest Engine.

Another addition is that MTS files can be saved with biome specific block type names. In the Lua API, register_biome() calls can set default block types for certain blocks, such as node_top, node_filler, node_stone etc. MTSEdit can save files with those names, such as biome:node_stone. When reading these schematics, block types that start with "biome:" should be handled indirectly by looking up the property of the biome where the schematics is placed. This is not supported by the Minetest Engine yet, but Lua modules can implement this easily.