123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220 |
- #include <cpp3ds/System/FileSystem.hpp>
- #include <fstream>
- #include <rapidjson/ostreamwrapper.h>
- #include <rapidjson/writer.h>
- #include <cpp3ds/System/FileInputStream.hpp>
- #include "Config.hpp"
- #include "Util.hpp"
- namespace {
- // Matches with Config::Key enum in Config.hpp
- const char *keyStrings[] = {
- "version",
- "cache_version",
- "trigger_update",
- "show_news",
- // Filter
- "filter_region",
- "filter_genre",
- "filter_language",
- "filter_platform",
- "filter_publisher",
- "filter_features",
- // Sort
- "sortGL",
- "sortGLDir",
- "sortIL",
- "sortILDir",
- // Update
- "auto-update",
- "last_updated",
- "download_title_keys",
- "key_urls",
- "download_multiple_url",
- // Download
- "download_timeout",
- "download_buffer_size",
- "play_sound_after_download",
- "power_off_after_download",
- "power_off_time",
- // Music
- "music_mode",
- "music_filename",
- "music_off_low_slider",
- // Locales
- "language",
- "keyboard",
- "use_system_keyboard",
- // Notifiers
- "led_startup",
- "led_on_download_finish",
- "led_on_download_error",
- "news_download_finish",
- "news_no_led",
- // Inactivity
- "sleep_mode",
- "sleep_mode_bottom",
- "dim_leds",
- "sound_on_inactivity",
- "music_on_inactivity",
- "inactivity_seconds",
- // Other
- "title_id",
- "show_battery_percentage",
- "show_game_counter",
- "show_game_description",
- // Internals
- "reset_eshop_music",
- "clean_exit",
- };
- }
- namespace FreeShop {
- Config::Config()
- {
- static_assert(KEY_COUNT == sizeof(keyStrings)/sizeof(*keyStrings), "Key string count must match the enum count.");
- loadDefaults();
- }
- Config &Config::getInstance()
- {
- static Config config;
- return config;
- }
- bool Config::loadFromFile(const std::string &filename)
- {
- rapidjson::Document &json = getInstance().m_json;
- std::string path = cpp3ds::FileSystem::getFilePath(filename);
- std::string jsonString;
- cpp3ds::FileInputStream file;
- if (!file.open(filename))
- return false;
- jsonString.resize(file.getSize());
- file.read(&jsonString[0], jsonString.size());
- json.Parse(jsonString.c_str());
- getInstance().loadDefaults();
- return !json.HasParseError();
- }
- void Config::saveToFile(const std::string &filename)
- {
- std::string path = cpp3ds::FileSystem::getFilePath(filename);
- std::ofstream file(path);
- rapidjson::OStreamWrapper osw(file);
- rapidjson::Writer<rapidjson::OStreamWrapper> writer(osw);
- getInstance().m_json.Accept(writer);
- }
- bool Config::keyExists(const char *key)
- {
- return getInstance().m_json.HasMember(key);
- }
- const rapidjson::Value &Config::get(Key key)
- {
- return getInstance().m_json[keyStrings[key]];
- }
- #define ADD_DEFAULT(key, val) \
- if (!m_json.HasMember(keyStrings[key])) \
- m_json.AddMember(rapidjson::StringRef(keyStrings[key]), val, m_json.GetAllocator());
- void Config::loadDefaults()
- {
- if (!m_json.IsObject())
- m_json.SetObject();
- ADD_DEFAULT(Version, "");
- ADD_DEFAULT(CacheVersion, "");
- ADD_DEFAULT(TriggerUpdateFlag, false);
- ADD_DEFAULT(ShowNews, true);
- // Filter
- ADD_DEFAULT(FilterRegion, rapidjson::kArrayType);
- ADD_DEFAULT(FilterGenre, rapidjson::kArrayType);
- ADD_DEFAULT(FilterLanguage, rapidjson::kArrayType);
- ADD_DEFAULT(FilterPlatform, rapidjson::kArrayType);
- ADD_DEFAULT(FilterPublisher, rapidjson::kArrayType);
- ADD_DEFAULT(FilterFeatures, rapidjson::kArrayType);
- // Sort
- ADD_DEFAULT(SortGameList, 0);
- ADD_DEFAULT(SortGameListDirection, 1);
- ADD_DEFAULT(SortInstalledList, 1);
- ADD_DEFAULT(SortInstalledListDirection, 0);
- // Update
- ADD_DEFAULT(AutoUpdate, true);
- ADD_DEFAULT(LastUpdatedTime, 0);
- ADD_DEFAULT(DownloadTitleKeys, false);
- ADD_DEFAULT(KeyURLs, rapidjson::kArrayType);
- ADD_DEFAULT(DownloadFromMultipleURLs, true);
- // Download
- ADD_DEFAULT(DownloadTimeout, 6.f);
- ADD_DEFAULT(DownloadBufferSize, 128u);
- ADD_DEFAULT(PlaySoundAfterDownload, true);
- ADD_DEFAULT(PowerOffAfterDownload, false);
- ADD_DEFAULT(PowerOffTime, 120);
- // Music
- ADD_DEFAULT(MusicMode, "eshop");
- ADD_DEFAULT(MusicFilename, "");
- ADD_DEFAULT(MusicTurnOffSlider, true);
- // Locales
- ADD_DEFAULT(Language, "auto");
- ADD_DEFAULT(Keyboard, "qwerty");
- ADD_DEFAULT(SystemKeyboard, false);
- // Notifiers
- ADD_DEFAULT(LEDStartup, true);
- ADD_DEFAULT(LEDDownloadFinished, true);
- ADD_DEFAULT(LEDDownloadError, true);
- ADD_DEFAULT(NEWSDownloadFinished, false);
- // Inactivity
- ADD_DEFAULT(SleepMode, true);
- ADD_DEFAULT(SleepModeBottom, false);
- ADD_DEFAULT(DimLEDs, false);
- ADD_DEFAULT(SoundOnInactivity, true);
- ADD_DEFAULT(MusicOnInactivity, false);
- ADD_DEFAULT(InactivitySeconds, 60.f);
- // Other
- ADD_DEFAULT(TitleID, false);
- ADD_DEFAULT(ShowBattery, false);
- ADD_DEFAULT(ShowGameCounter, true);
- ADD_DEFAULT(ShowGameDescription, true);
- // Internals
- ADD_DEFAULT(ResetEshopMusic, false);
- ADD_DEFAULT(CleanExit, true);
- }
- void Config::set(Key key, const char *val)
- {
- rapidjson::Value v(val, getInstance().m_json.GetAllocator());
- set(key, v);
- }
- void Config::set(Key key, rapidjson::Value &val)
- {
- const char *keyStr = keyStrings[key];
- if (keyExists(keyStr))
- getInstance().m_json[keyStr] = val;
- else
- getInstance().m_json.AddMember(rapidjson::StringRef(keyStr), val, getInstance().m_json.GetAllocator());
- }
- rapidjson::Document::AllocatorType &Config::getAllocator()
- {
- return getInstance().m_json.GetAllocator();
- }
- } // namespace FreeShop