de-DE.toml 4.6 KB

  1. [global]
  2. date_format = "%d %B %Y"
  3. Monday = "Montag"
  4. Tuesday = "Dienstag"
  5. Wednesday = "Mittwoch"
  6. Thursday = "Donnerstag"
  7. Friday = "Freitag"
  8. Saturday = "Samstag"
  9. Sunday = "Sonntag"
  10. January = "Januar"
  11. February = "Februar"
  12. March = "März"
  13. April = "April"
  14. May = "Mai"
  15. June = "Juni"
  16. July = "Juli"
  17. August = "August"
  18. September = "September"
  19. October = "October"
  20. November = "November"
  21. December = "Dezember"
  22. search = "suche…"
  23. [index]
  24. let_amuse_you = "Lassen Sie sich von {} amüsieren."
  25. source_link_title = "Quellcode"
  26. about_link_title = "über a·muse"
  27. [search]
  28. next_link_title = "nächste Seite"
  29. prev_link_title = "vorige Seite"
  30. not_found_quote = "„Leer!“"
  31. not_found_character = "Maurice Moss"
  32. not_found_episode = "„Die Stress-Maschine“"
  33. too_far_quote = "„Du bist zu weit gegangen.“"
  34. too_far_title = "Die Addams Family in verrückter Tradition"
  35. film = "Film"
  36. tvserie = "Fernsehserie"
  37. person = "Person"
  38. author = "Autor"
  39. book = "Buch"
  40. bookserie = "Buchreihe"
  41. droids = "Sind das nicht die Droiden, die ihr sucht."
  42. [film]
  43. minutes = "Min"
  44. in_this_collection = "In dieser Sammlung"
  45. cast = "Besetzung"
  46. crew = "Team"
  47. rating = "Einschätzung"
  48. votes = "Stimmen"
  49. TBD = "Kein Daten"
  50. genre = "Gattung"
  51. based_on = "Basiert auf"
  52. source = "Quelle"
  53. runtime = "Länge"
  54. status = "Status"
  55. empty_payroll = "Leere Gehaltsliste"
  56. [serie]
  57. season = "Staffel"
  58. cast = "Besetzung"
  59. crew = "Team"
  60. rating = "Einschätzung"
  61. votes = "Stimmen"
  62. no_rating = "Kein Daten"
  63. genre = "Gattung"
  64. source = "Quelle"
  65. status = "Status"
  66. based_on = "Basiert auf"
  67. latest_episode = "Auktuellste Episode"
  68. empty_payroll = "Leere Gehaltsliste"
  69. no_episodes = "Diese Staffel ist leer"
  70. [person]
  71. cast = "Besetzung"
  72. crew = "Team"
  73. as = "als"
  74. born = "Geboren"
  75. died = "Gestorben"
  76. source = "Quelle"
  77. unknown = "unbekannt"
  78. empty_payroll = "Leere Gehaltsliste"
  79. [book]
  80. author = "Autor"
  81. genre = "Gattung"
  82. source = "Quelle"
  83. serie = "Reihe"
  84. part = "Teil"
  85. [bookSerie]
  86. author = "Autor"
  87. genre = "Gattung"
  88. source = "Quelle"
  89. in_this_collection = "In diese Reihe"
  90. [about] # todo
  91. title = "Über a·muse"
  92. explain_header = '‘EXPLAIN!’'
  93. explain_character = "Dalek Caan"
  94. explain_title = "Doctor Who"
  95. explain_code = "S03E04"
  96. explain_episode_title = "‘Daleks in Manhattan’"
  97. explain_paragraph ="a·muse is a no-JavaScript frontend for The Movie Database. It is also a system that connects films with books which the former are based on, thanks to using data from Wikidata. Finally, a·muse is also a place to collect ideas which films, books, and series watch or read next, and which of those have already been watched or read."
  98. name_header = "‘What’s in a name?’"
  99. name_character = "Juliet"
  100. name_title = "Romeo and Juliet"
  101. name_paragraph1 = "The name of the system is ‘a·muse.’ The name of the program, command, any package is ‘amuse.’"
  102. name_paragraph2 = "Both are pronounced the same–[æˈʔmjuːz]."
  103. name_paragraph3 = "It’s a play of words—amuse as a verb, and a muse as a goddess."
  104. sources_header = "‘Where did it come from?’"
  105. sources_character = "Shrek"
  106. sources_title = "Shrek"
  107. sources_paragraph1 = "Information about films, persons, and series comes from The Movie Database; as I’m required to disclaim, this product uses the TMDb API but is not endorsed or certified by TMDb. If something should be missing or be wrong,[contribute to TMDb]."
  108. sources_paragraph2 = "Information about books and connections between books and films or series comes from Wikidata. The data is available under[Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication (CC0)]. If something should be missing or be wrong,[contribute to Wikidata]."
  109. sources_paragraph3 = "Book covers … (something, something, Inventaire)"
  110. credits_header = "‘Give yourself some credit, please.’"
  111. credits_paragraph = "Apart from invaluable sources, this system would not exist without"
  112. credits_title = "The Avengers"
  113. credits_character = "Tony Stark"
  114. license_header = "‘Can I have that’"
  115. license_paragraph1 = "You sure can! a·muse is available under[GNU AGPL] version 3 or later. You can do whatever You want, but You must release the source code."
  116. license_paragraph2 = "Now go, host Your own instance."
  117. license_title = "The Amazing Spider-Man"
  118. license_character = "Peter Parker"
  119. [error]
  120. error = "Fehler"
  121. 400_title = "Adventure Time – Abenteuerzeit mit Finn und Jake"
  122. 404_quote = "„Ich hab ihn nicht gefunden. Aber ich habe ihn da hingelegt.“"
  123. 422_quote = "„Ich weiß nicht. Ich versteh's nicht.“"
  124. 422_character = "Der Erzähler"
  125. 500_quote = "„Houston, wir haben vielleicht ein Problem.“"