amuse.proto.go 32 KB

  1. // Code generated by capnpc-go. DO NOT EDIT.
  2. package protocol
  3. import (
  4. math "math"
  5. capnp ""
  6. text ""
  7. schemas ""
  8. )
  9. type Film struct{ capnp.Struct }
  10. // Film_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type Film.
  11. const Film_TypeID = 0x8662baafda730202
  12. func NewFilm(s *capnp.Segment) (Film, error) {
  13. st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 32, PointerCount: 11})
  14. return Film{st}, err
  15. }
  16. func NewRootFilm(s *capnp.Segment) (Film, error) {
  17. st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 32, PointerCount: 11})
  18. return Film{st}, err
  19. }
  20. func ReadRootFilm(msg *capnp.Message) (Film, error) {
  21. root, err := msg.RootPtr()
  22. return Film{root.Struct()}, err
  23. }
  24. func (s Film) String() string {
  25. str, _ := text.Marshal(0x8662baafda730202, s.Struct)
  26. return str
  27. }
  28. func (s Film) Id() uint64 {
  29. return s.Struct.Uint64(0)
  30. }
  31. func (s Film) SetId(v uint64) {
  32. s.Struct.SetUint64(0, v)
  33. }
  34. func (s Film) Title() (string, error) {
  35. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
  36. return p.Text(), err
  37. }
  38. func (s Film) HasTitle() bool {
  39. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
  40. return p.IsValid() || err != nil
  41. }
  42. func (s Film) TitleBytes() ([]byte, error) {
  43. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
  44. return p.TextBytes(), err
  45. }
  46. func (s Film) SetTitle(v string) error {
  47. return s.Struct.SetText(0, v)
  48. }
  49. func (s Film) Genres() (capnp.TextList, error) {
  50. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
  51. return capnp.TextList{List: p.List()}, err
  52. }
  53. func (s Film) HasGenres() bool {
  54. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
  55. return p.IsValid() || err != nil
  56. }
  57. func (s Film) SetGenres(v capnp.TextList) error {
  58. return s.Struct.SetPtr(1, v.List.ToPtr())
  59. }
  60. // NewGenres sets the genres field to a newly
  61. // allocated capnp.TextList, preferring placement in s's segment.
  62. func (s Film) NewGenres(n int32) (capnp.TextList, error) {
  63. l, err := capnp.NewTextList(s.Struct.Segment(), n)
  64. if err != nil {
  65. return capnp.TextList{}, err
  66. }
  67. err = s.Struct.SetPtr(1, l.List.ToPtr())
  68. return l, err
  69. }
  70. func (s Film) ReleaseDate() (Film_Date, error) {
  71. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(2)
  72. return Film_Date{Struct: p.Struct()}, err
  73. }
  74. func (s Film) HasReleaseDate() bool {
  75. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(2)
  76. return p.IsValid() || err != nil
  77. }
  78. func (s Film) SetReleaseDate(v Film_Date) error {
  79. return s.Struct.SetPtr(2, v.Struct.ToPtr())
  80. }
  81. // NewReleaseDate sets the releaseDate field to a newly
  82. // allocated Film_Date struct, preferring placement in s's segment.
  83. func (s Film) NewReleaseDate() (Film_Date, error) {
  84. ss, err := NewFilm_Date(s.Struct.Segment())
  85. if err != nil {
  86. return Film_Date{}, err
  87. }
  88. err = s.Struct.SetPtr(2, ss.Struct.ToPtr())
  89. return ss, err
  90. }
  91. func (s Film) OriginalTitle() (string, error) {
  92. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(3)
  93. return p.Text(), err
  94. }
  95. func (s Film) HasOriginalTitle() bool {
  96. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(3)
  97. return p.IsValid() || err != nil
  98. }
  99. func (s Film) OriginalTitleBytes() ([]byte, error) {
  100. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(3)
  101. return p.TextBytes(), err
  102. }
  103. func (s Film) SetOriginalTitle(v string) error {
  104. return s.Struct.SetText(3, v)
  105. }
  106. func (s Film) Overview() (string, error) {
  107. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(4)
  108. return p.Text(), err
  109. }
  110. func (s Film) HasOverview() bool {
  111. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(4)
  112. return p.IsValid() || err != nil
  113. }
  114. func (s Film) OverviewBytes() ([]byte, error) {
  115. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(4)
  116. return p.TextBytes(), err
  117. }
  118. func (s Film) SetOverview(v string) error {
  119. return s.Struct.SetText(4, v)
  120. }
  121. func (s Film) Tagline() (string, error) {
  122. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(5)
  123. return p.Text(), err
  124. }
  125. func (s Film) HasTagline() bool {
  126. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(5)
  127. return p.IsValid() || err != nil
  128. }
  129. func (s Film) TaglineBytes() ([]byte, error) {
  130. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(5)
  131. return p.TextBytes(), err
  132. }
  133. func (s Film) SetTagline(v string) error {
  134. return s.Struct.SetText(5, v)
  135. }
  136. func (s Film) Runtime() uint16 {
  137. return s.Struct.Uint16(8)
  138. }
  139. func (s Film) SetRuntime(v uint16) {
  140. s.Struct.SetUint16(8, v)
  141. }
  142. func (s Film) IsAdult() bool {
  143. return s.Struct.Bit(80)
  144. }
  145. func (s Film) SetIsAdult(v bool) {
  146. s.Struct.SetBit(80, v)
  147. }
  148. func (s Film) Mark() float32 {
  149. return math.Float32frombits(s.Struct.Uint32(12))
  150. }
  151. func (s Film) SetMark(v float32) {
  152. s.Struct.SetUint32(12, math.Float32bits(v))
  153. }
  154. func (s Film) VoteCount() uint64 {
  155. return s.Struct.Uint64(16)
  156. }
  157. func (s Film) SetVoteCount(v uint64) {
  158. s.Struct.SetUint64(16, v)
  159. }
  160. func (s Film) Status() Film_Status {
  161. return Film_Status(s.Struct.Uint16(24))
  162. }
  163. func (s Film) SetStatus(v Film_Status) {
  164. s.Struct.SetUint16(24, uint16(v))
  165. }
  166. func (s Film) PosterPath() (string, error) {
  167. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(6)
  168. return p.Text(), err
  169. }
  170. func (s Film) HasPosterPath() bool {
  171. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(6)
  172. return p.IsValid() || err != nil
  173. }
  174. func (s Film) PosterPathBytes() ([]byte, error) {
  175. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(6)
  176. return p.TextBytes(), err
  177. }
  178. func (s Film) SetPosterPath(v string) error {
  179. return s.Struct.SetText(6, v)
  180. }
  181. func (s Film) BackdropPath() (string, error) {
  182. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(7)
  183. return p.Text(), err
  184. }
  185. func (s Film) HasBackdropPath() bool {
  186. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(7)
  187. return p.IsValid() || err != nil
  188. }
  189. func (s Film) BackdropPathBytes() ([]byte, error) {
  190. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(7)
  191. return p.TextBytes(), err
  192. }
  193. func (s Film) SetBackdropPath(v string) error {
  194. return s.Struct.SetText(7, v)
  195. }
  196. func (s Film) Collection() (Film_Collection, error) {
  197. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(8)
  198. return Film_Collection{Struct: p.Struct()}, err
  199. }
  200. func (s Film) HasCollection() bool {
  201. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(8)
  202. return p.IsValid() || err != nil
  203. }
  204. func (s Film) SetCollection(v Film_Collection) error {
  205. return s.Struct.SetPtr(8, v.Struct.ToPtr())
  206. }
  207. // NewCollection sets the collection field to a newly
  208. // allocated Film_Collection struct, preferring placement in s's segment.
  209. func (s Film) NewCollection() (Film_Collection, error) {
  210. ss, err := NewFilm_Collection(s.Struct.Segment())
  211. if err != nil {
  212. return Film_Collection{}, err
  213. }
  214. err = s.Struct.SetPtr(8, ss.Struct.ToPtr())
  215. return ss, err
  216. }
  217. func (s Film) Cast() (Film_Character_List, error) {
  218. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(9)
  219. return Film_Character_List{List: p.List()}, err
  220. }
  221. func (s Film) HasCast() bool {
  222. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(9)
  223. return p.IsValid() || err != nil
  224. }
  225. func (s Film) SetCast(v Film_Character_List) error {
  226. return s.Struct.SetPtr(9, v.List.ToPtr())
  227. }
  228. // NewCast sets the cast field to a newly
  229. // allocated Film_Character_List, preferring placement in s's segment.
  230. func (s Film) NewCast(n int32) (Film_Character_List, error) {
  231. l, err := NewFilm_Character_List(s.Struct.Segment(), n)
  232. if err != nil {
  233. return Film_Character_List{}, err
  234. }
  235. err = s.Struct.SetPtr(9, l.List.ToPtr())
  236. return l, err
  237. }
  238. func (s Film) Crew() (Film_CrewMember_List, error) {
  239. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(10)
  240. return Film_CrewMember_List{List: p.List()}, err
  241. }
  242. func (s Film) HasCrew() bool {
  243. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(10)
  244. return p.IsValid() || err != nil
  245. }
  246. func (s Film) SetCrew(v Film_CrewMember_List) error {
  247. return s.Struct.SetPtr(10, v.List.ToPtr())
  248. }
  249. // NewCrew sets the crew field to a newly
  250. // allocated Film_CrewMember_List, preferring placement in s's segment.
  251. func (s Film) NewCrew(n int32) (Film_CrewMember_List, error) {
  252. l, err := NewFilm_CrewMember_List(s.Struct.Segment(), n)
  253. if err != nil {
  254. return Film_CrewMember_List{}, err
  255. }
  256. err = s.Struct.SetPtr(10, l.List.ToPtr())
  257. return l, err
  258. }
  259. // Film_List is a list of Film.
  260. type Film_List struct{ capnp.List }
  261. // NewFilm creates a new list of Film.
  262. func NewFilm_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (Film_List, error) {
  263. l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 32, PointerCount: 11}, sz)
  264. return Film_List{l}, err
  265. }
  266. func (s Film_List) At(i int) Film { return Film{s.List.Struct(i)} }
  267. func (s Film_List) Set(i int, v Film) error { return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct) }
  268. func (s Film_List) String() string {
  269. str, _ := text.MarshalList(0x8662baafda730202, s.List)
  270. return str
  271. }
  272. // Film_Promise is a wrapper for a Film promised by a client call.
  273. type Film_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline }
  274. func (p Film_Promise) Struct() (Film, error) {
  275. s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct()
  276. return Film{s}, err
  277. }
  278. func (p Film_Promise) ReleaseDate() Film_Date_Promise {
  279. return Film_Date_Promise{Pipeline: p.Pipeline.GetPipeline(2)}
  280. }
  281. func (p Film_Promise) Collection() Film_Collection_Promise {
  282. return Film_Collection_Promise{Pipeline: p.Pipeline.GetPipeline(8)}
  283. }
  284. type Film_Date struct{ capnp.Struct }
  285. // Film_Date_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type Film_Date.
  286. const Film_Date_TypeID = 0xc1264952b8db1201
  287. func NewFilm_Date(s *capnp.Segment) (Film_Date, error) {
  288. st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 8, PointerCount: 0})
  289. return Film_Date{st}, err
  290. }
  291. func NewRootFilm_Date(s *capnp.Segment) (Film_Date, error) {
  292. st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 8, PointerCount: 0})
  293. return Film_Date{st}, err
  294. }
  295. func ReadRootFilm_Date(msg *capnp.Message) (Film_Date, error) {
  296. root, err := msg.RootPtr()
  297. return Film_Date{root.Struct()}, err
  298. }
  299. func (s Film_Date) String() string {
  300. str, _ := text.Marshal(0xc1264952b8db1201, s.Struct)
  301. return str
  302. }
  303. func (s Film_Date) Year() int16 {
  304. return int16(s.Struct.Uint16(0))
  305. }
  306. func (s Film_Date) SetYear(v int16) {
  307. s.Struct.SetUint16(0, uint16(v))
  308. }
  309. func (s Film_Date) Month() uint8 {
  310. return s.Struct.Uint8(2)
  311. }
  312. func (s Film_Date) SetMonth(v uint8) {
  313. s.Struct.SetUint8(2, v)
  314. }
  315. func (s Film_Date) Day() uint8 {
  316. return s.Struct.Uint8(3)
  317. }
  318. func (s Film_Date) SetDay(v uint8) {
  319. s.Struct.SetUint8(3, v)
  320. }
  321. // Film_Date_List is a list of Film_Date.
  322. type Film_Date_List struct{ capnp.List }
  323. // NewFilm_Date creates a new list of Film_Date.
  324. func NewFilm_Date_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (Film_Date_List, error) {
  325. l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 8, PointerCount: 0}, sz)
  326. return Film_Date_List{l}, err
  327. }
  328. func (s Film_Date_List) At(i int) Film_Date { return Film_Date{s.List.Struct(i)} }
  329. func (s Film_Date_List) Set(i int, v Film_Date) error { return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct) }
  330. func (s Film_Date_List) String() string {
  331. str, _ := text.MarshalList(0xc1264952b8db1201, s.List)
  332. return str
  333. }
  334. // Film_Date_Promise is a wrapper for a Film_Date promised by a client call.
  335. type Film_Date_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline }
  336. func (p Film_Date_Promise) Struct() (Film_Date, error) {
  337. s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct()
  338. return Film_Date{s}, err
  339. }
  340. type Film_Status uint16
  341. // Film_Status_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type Film_Status.
  342. const Film_Status_TypeID = 0xbacdba448901b941
  343. // Values of Film_Status.
  344. const (
  345. Film_Status_rumored Film_Status = 0
  346. Film_Status_planned Film_Status = 1
  347. Film_Status_inProduction Film_Status = 2
  348. Film_Status_postProduction Film_Status = 3
  349. Film_Status_released Film_Status = 4
  350. Film_Status_cancelled Film_Status = 5
  351. )
  352. // String returns the enum's constant name.
  353. func (c Film_Status) String() string {
  354. switch c {
  355. case Film_Status_rumored:
  356. return "Rumored"
  357. case Film_Status_planned:
  358. return "Planned"
  359. case Film_Status_inProduction:
  360. return "In Production"
  361. case Film_Status_postProduction:
  362. return "Post Production"
  363. case Film_Status_released:
  364. return "Released"
  365. case Film_Status_cancelled:
  366. return "Cancelled"
  367. default:
  368. return ""
  369. }
  370. }
  371. // Film_StatusFromString returns the enum value with a name,
  372. // or the zero value if there's no such value.
  373. func Film_StatusFromString(c string) Film_Status {
  374. switch c {
  375. case "Rumored":
  376. return Film_Status_rumored
  377. case "Planned":
  378. return Film_Status_planned
  379. case "In Production":
  380. return Film_Status_inProduction
  381. case "Post Production":
  382. return Film_Status_postProduction
  383. case "Released":
  384. return Film_Status_released
  385. case "Cancelled":
  386. return Film_Status_cancelled
  387. default:
  388. return 0
  389. }
  390. }
  391. type Film_Status_List struct{ capnp.List }
  392. func NewFilm_Status_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (Film_Status_List, error) {
  393. l, err := capnp.NewUInt16List(s, sz)
  394. return Film_Status_List{l.List}, err
  395. }
  396. func (l Film_Status_List) At(i int) Film_Status {
  397. ul := capnp.UInt16List{List: l.List}
  398. return Film_Status(ul.At(i))
  399. }
  400. func (l Film_Status_List) Set(i int, v Film_Status) {
  401. ul := capnp.UInt16List{List: l.List}
  402. ul.Set(i, uint16(v))
  403. }
  404. type Film_Collection struct{ capnp.Struct }
  405. // Film_Collection_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type Film_Collection.
  406. const Film_Collection_TypeID = 0xd4e4ef9e83a4bc53
  407. func NewFilm_Collection(s *capnp.Segment) (Film_Collection, error) {
  408. st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 2})
  409. return Film_Collection{st}, err
  410. }
  411. func NewRootFilm_Collection(s *capnp.Segment) (Film_Collection, error) {
  412. st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 2})
  413. return Film_Collection{st}, err
  414. }
  415. func ReadRootFilm_Collection(msg *capnp.Message) (Film_Collection, error) {
  416. root, err := msg.RootPtr()
  417. return Film_Collection{root.Struct()}, err
  418. }
  419. func (s Film_Collection) String() string {
  420. str, _ := text.Marshal(0xd4e4ef9e83a4bc53, s.Struct)
  421. return str
  422. }
  423. func (s Film_Collection) Name() (string, error) {
  424. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
  425. return p.Text(), err
  426. }
  427. func (s Film_Collection) HasName() bool {
  428. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
  429. return p.IsValid() || err != nil
  430. }
  431. func (s Film_Collection) NameBytes() ([]byte, error) {
  432. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
  433. return p.TextBytes(), err
  434. }
  435. func (s Film_Collection) SetName(v string) error {
  436. return s.Struct.SetText(0, v)
  437. }
  438. func (s Film_Collection) Parts() (Film_Collection_CollectionPart_List, error) {
  439. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
  440. return Film_Collection_CollectionPart_List{List: p.List()}, err
  441. }
  442. func (s Film_Collection) HasParts() bool {
  443. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
  444. return p.IsValid() || err != nil
  445. }
  446. func (s Film_Collection) SetParts(v Film_Collection_CollectionPart_List) error {
  447. return s.Struct.SetPtr(1, v.List.ToPtr())
  448. }
  449. // NewParts sets the parts field to a newly
  450. // allocated Film_Collection_CollectionPart_List, preferring placement in s's segment.
  451. func (s Film_Collection) NewParts(n int32) (Film_Collection_CollectionPart_List, error) {
  452. l, err := NewFilm_Collection_CollectionPart_List(s.Struct.Segment(), n)
  453. if err != nil {
  454. return Film_Collection_CollectionPart_List{}, err
  455. }
  456. err = s.Struct.SetPtr(1, l.List.ToPtr())
  457. return l, err
  458. }
  459. // Film_Collection_List is a list of Film_Collection.
  460. type Film_Collection_List struct{ capnp.List }
  461. // NewFilm_Collection creates a new list of Film_Collection.
  462. func NewFilm_Collection_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (Film_Collection_List, error) {
  463. l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 2}, sz)
  464. return Film_Collection_List{l}, err
  465. }
  466. func (s Film_Collection_List) At(i int) Film_Collection { return Film_Collection{s.List.Struct(i)} }
  467. func (s Film_Collection_List) Set(i int, v Film_Collection) error {
  468. return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct)
  469. }
  470. func (s Film_Collection_List) String() string {
  471. str, _ := text.MarshalList(0xd4e4ef9e83a4bc53, s.List)
  472. return str
  473. }
  474. // Film_Collection_Promise is a wrapper for a Film_Collection promised by a client call.
  475. type Film_Collection_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline }
  476. func (p Film_Collection_Promise) Struct() (Film_Collection, error) {
  477. s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct()
  478. return Film_Collection{s}, err
  479. }
  480. type Film_Collection_CollectionPart struct{ capnp.Struct }
  481. // Film_Collection_CollectionPart_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type Film_Collection_CollectionPart.
  482. const Film_Collection_CollectionPart_TypeID = 0xa0d6cbb1ccac3e25
  483. func NewFilm_Collection_CollectionPart(s *capnp.Segment) (Film_Collection_CollectionPart, error) {
  484. st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 8, PointerCount: 3})
  485. return Film_Collection_CollectionPart{st}, err
  486. }
  487. func NewRootFilm_Collection_CollectionPart(s *capnp.Segment) (Film_Collection_CollectionPart, error) {
  488. st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 8, PointerCount: 3})
  489. return Film_Collection_CollectionPart{st}, err
  490. }
  491. func ReadRootFilm_Collection_CollectionPart(msg *capnp.Message) (Film_Collection_CollectionPart, error) {
  492. root, err := msg.RootPtr()
  493. return Film_Collection_CollectionPart{root.Struct()}, err
  494. }
  495. func (s Film_Collection_CollectionPart) String() string {
  496. str, _ := text.Marshal(0xa0d6cbb1ccac3e25, s.Struct)
  497. return str
  498. }
  499. func (s Film_Collection_CollectionPart) Id() uint64 {
  500. return s.Struct.Uint64(0)
  501. }
  502. func (s Film_Collection_CollectionPart) SetId(v uint64) {
  503. s.Struct.SetUint64(0, v)
  504. }
  505. func (s Film_Collection_CollectionPart) Title() (string, error) {
  506. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
  507. return p.Text(), err
  508. }
  509. func (s Film_Collection_CollectionPart) HasTitle() bool {
  510. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
  511. return p.IsValid() || err != nil
  512. }
  513. func (s Film_Collection_CollectionPart) TitleBytes() ([]byte, error) {
  514. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
  515. return p.TextBytes(), err
  516. }
  517. func (s Film_Collection_CollectionPart) SetTitle(v string) error {
  518. return s.Struct.SetText(0, v)
  519. }
  520. func (s Film_Collection_CollectionPart) ReleaseDate() (Film_Date, error) {
  521. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
  522. return Film_Date{Struct: p.Struct()}, err
  523. }
  524. func (s Film_Collection_CollectionPart) HasReleaseDate() bool {
  525. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
  526. return p.IsValid() || err != nil
  527. }
  528. func (s Film_Collection_CollectionPart) SetReleaseDate(v Film_Date) error {
  529. return s.Struct.SetPtr(1, v.Struct.ToPtr())
  530. }
  531. // NewReleaseDate sets the releaseDate field to a newly
  532. // allocated Film_Date struct, preferring placement in s's segment.
  533. func (s Film_Collection_CollectionPart) NewReleaseDate() (Film_Date, error) {
  534. ss, err := NewFilm_Date(s.Struct.Segment())
  535. if err != nil {
  536. return Film_Date{}, err
  537. }
  538. err = s.Struct.SetPtr(1, ss.Struct.ToPtr())
  539. return ss, err
  540. }
  541. func (s Film_Collection_CollectionPart) PosterPath() (string, error) {
  542. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(2)
  543. return p.Text(), err
  544. }
  545. func (s Film_Collection_CollectionPart) HasPosterPath() bool {
  546. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(2)
  547. return p.IsValid() || err != nil
  548. }
  549. func (s Film_Collection_CollectionPart) PosterPathBytes() ([]byte, error) {
  550. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(2)
  551. return p.TextBytes(), err
  552. }
  553. func (s Film_Collection_CollectionPart) SetPosterPath(v string) error {
  554. return s.Struct.SetText(2, v)
  555. }
  556. // Film_Collection_CollectionPart_List is a list of Film_Collection_CollectionPart.
  557. type Film_Collection_CollectionPart_List struct{ capnp.List }
  558. // NewFilm_Collection_CollectionPart creates a new list of Film_Collection_CollectionPart.
  559. func NewFilm_Collection_CollectionPart_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (Film_Collection_CollectionPart_List, error) {
  560. l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 8, PointerCount: 3}, sz)
  561. return Film_Collection_CollectionPart_List{l}, err
  562. }
  563. func (s Film_Collection_CollectionPart_List) At(i int) Film_Collection_CollectionPart {
  564. return Film_Collection_CollectionPart{s.List.Struct(i)}
  565. }
  566. func (s Film_Collection_CollectionPart_List) Set(i int, v Film_Collection_CollectionPart) error {
  567. return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct)
  568. }
  569. func (s Film_Collection_CollectionPart_List) String() string {
  570. str, _ := text.MarshalList(0xa0d6cbb1ccac3e25, s.List)
  571. return str
  572. }
  573. // Film_Collection_CollectionPart_Promise is a wrapper for a Film_Collection_CollectionPart promised by a client call.
  574. type Film_Collection_CollectionPart_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline }
  575. func (p Film_Collection_CollectionPart_Promise) Struct() (Film_Collection_CollectionPart, error) {
  576. s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct()
  577. return Film_Collection_CollectionPart{s}, err
  578. }
  579. func (p Film_Collection_CollectionPart_Promise) ReleaseDate() Film_Date_Promise {
  580. return Film_Date_Promise{Pipeline: p.Pipeline.GetPipeline(1)}
  581. }
  582. type Film_Character struct{ capnp.Struct }
  583. // Film_Character_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type Film_Character.
  584. const Film_Character_TypeID = 0xfc58a269203af0a8
  585. func NewFilm_Character(s *capnp.Segment) (Film_Character, error) {
  586. st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 2})
  587. return Film_Character{st}, err
  588. }
  589. func NewRootFilm_Character(s *capnp.Segment) (Film_Character, error) {
  590. st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 2})
  591. return Film_Character{st}, err
  592. }
  593. func ReadRootFilm_Character(msg *capnp.Message) (Film_Character, error) {
  594. root, err := msg.RootPtr()
  595. return Film_Character{root.Struct()}, err
  596. }
  597. func (s Film_Character) String() string {
  598. str, _ := text.Marshal(0xfc58a269203af0a8, s.Struct)
  599. return str
  600. }
  601. func (s Film_Character) Person() (Person, error) {
  602. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
  603. return Person{Struct: p.Struct()}, err
  604. }
  605. func (s Film_Character) HasPerson() bool {
  606. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
  607. return p.IsValid() || err != nil
  608. }
  609. func (s Film_Character) SetPerson(v Person) error {
  610. return s.Struct.SetPtr(0, v.Struct.ToPtr())
  611. }
  612. // NewPerson sets the person field to a newly
  613. // allocated Person struct, preferring placement in s's segment.
  614. func (s Film_Character) NewPerson() (Person, error) {
  615. ss, err := NewPerson(s.Struct.Segment())
  616. if err != nil {
  617. return Person{}, err
  618. }
  619. err = s.Struct.SetPtr(0, ss.Struct.ToPtr())
  620. return ss, err
  621. }
  622. func (s Film_Character) Name() (string, error) {
  623. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
  624. return p.Text(), err
  625. }
  626. func (s Film_Character) HasName() bool {
  627. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
  628. return p.IsValid() || err != nil
  629. }
  630. func (s Film_Character) NameBytes() ([]byte, error) {
  631. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
  632. return p.TextBytes(), err
  633. }
  634. func (s Film_Character) SetName(v string) error {
  635. return s.Struct.SetText(1, v)
  636. }
  637. // Film_Character_List is a list of Film_Character.
  638. type Film_Character_List struct{ capnp.List }
  639. // NewFilm_Character creates a new list of Film_Character.
  640. func NewFilm_Character_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (Film_Character_List, error) {
  641. l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 2}, sz)
  642. return Film_Character_List{l}, err
  643. }
  644. func (s Film_Character_List) At(i int) Film_Character { return Film_Character{s.List.Struct(i)} }
  645. func (s Film_Character_List) Set(i int, v Film_Character) error { return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct) }
  646. func (s Film_Character_List) String() string {
  647. str, _ := text.MarshalList(0xfc58a269203af0a8, s.List)
  648. return str
  649. }
  650. // Film_Character_Promise is a wrapper for a Film_Character promised by a client call.
  651. type Film_Character_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline }
  652. func (p Film_Character_Promise) Struct() (Film_Character, error) {
  653. s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct()
  654. return Film_Character{s}, err
  655. }
  656. func (p Film_Character_Promise) Person() Person_Promise {
  657. return Person_Promise{Pipeline: p.Pipeline.GetPipeline(0)}
  658. }
  659. type Film_CrewMember struct{ capnp.Struct }
  660. // Film_CrewMember_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type Film_CrewMember.
  661. const Film_CrewMember_TypeID = 0x8afd64c84282f606
  662. func NewFilm_CrewMember(s *capnp.Segment) (Film_CrewMember, error) {
  663. st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 2})
  664. return Film_CrewMember{st}, err
  665. }
  666. func NewRootFilm_CrewMember(s *capnp.Segment) (Film_CrewMember, error) {
  667. st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 2})
  668. return Film_CrewMember{st}, err
  669. }
  670. func ReadRootFilm_CrewMember(msg *capnp.Message) (Film_CrewMember, error) {
  671. root, err := msg.RootPtr()
  672. return Film_CrewMember{root.Struct()}, err
  673. }
  674. func (s Film_CrewMember) String() string {
  675. str, _ := text.Marshal(0x8afd64c84282f606, s.Struct)
  676. return str
  677. }
  678. func (s Film_CrewMember) Person() (Person, error) {
  679. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
  680. return Person{Struct: p.Struct()}, err
  681. }
  682. func (s Film_CrewMember) HasPerson() bool {
  683. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
  684. return p.IsValid() || err != nil
  685. }
  686. func (s Film_CrewMember) SetPerson(v Person) error {
  687. return s.Struct.SetPtr(0, v.Struct.ToPtr())
  688. }
  689. // NewPerson sets the person field to a newly
  690. // allocated Person struct, preferring placement in s's segment.
  691. func (s Film_CrewMember) NewPerson() (Person, error) {
  692. ss, err := NewPerson(s.Struct.Segment())
  693. if err != nil {
  694. return Person{}, err
  695. }
  696. err = s.Struct.SetPtr(0, ss.Struct.ToPtr())
  697. return ss, err
  698. }
  699. func (s Film_CrewMember) Job() (string, error) {
  700. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
  701. return p.Text(), err
  702. }
  703. func (s Film_CrewMember) HasJob() bool {
  704. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
  705. return p.IsValid() || err != nil
  706. }
  707. func (s Film_CrewMember) JobBytes() ([]byte, error) {
  708. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
  709. return p.TextBytes(), err
  710. }
  711. func (s Film_CrewMember) SetJob(v string) error {
  712. return s.Struct.SetText(1, v)
  713. }
  714. // Film_CrewMember_List is a list of Film_CrewMember.
  715. type Film_CrewMember_List struct{ capnp.List }
  716. // NewFilm_CrewMember creates a new list of Film_CrewMember.
  717. func NewFilm_CrewMember_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (Film_CrewMember_List, error) {
  718. l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 2}, sz)
  719. return Film_CrewMember_List{l}, err
  720. }
  721. func (s Film_CrewMember_List) At(i int) Film_CrewMember { return Film_CrewMember{s.List.Struct(i)} }
  722. func (s Film_CrewMember_List) Set(i int, v Film_CrewMember) error {
  723. return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct)
  724. }
  725. func (s Film_CrewMember_List) String() string {
  726. str, _ := text.MarshalList(0x8afd64c84282f606, s.List)
  727. return str
  728. }
  729. // Film_CrewMember_Promise is a wrapper for a Film_CrewMember promised by a client call.
  730. type Film_CrewMember_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline }
  731. func (p Film_CrewMember_Promise) Struct() (Film_CrewMember, error) {
  732. s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct()
  733. return Film_CrewMember{s}, err
  734. }
  735. func (p Film_CrewMember_Promise) Person() Person_Promise {
  736. return Person_Promise{Pipeline: p.Pipeline.GetPipeline(0)}
  737. }
  738. type Person struct{ capnp.Struct }
  739. // Person_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type Person.
  740. const Person_TypeID = 0xbe38be3daa02cbbb
  741. func NewPerson(s *capnp.Segment) (Person, error) {
  742. st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 8, PointerCount: 2})
  743. return Person{st}, err
  744. }
  745. func NewRootPerson(s *capnp.Segment) (Person, error) {
  746. st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 8, PointerCount: 2})
  747. return Person{st}, err
  748. }
  749. func ReadRootPerson(msg *capnp.Message) (Person, error) {
  750. root, err := msg.RootPtr()
  751. return Person{root.Struct()}, err
  752. }
  753. func (s Person) String() string {
  754. str, _ := text.Marshal(0xbe38be3daa02cbbb, s.Struct)
  755. return str
  756. }
  757. func (s Person) Id() uint64 {
  758. return s.Struct.Uint64(0)
  759. }
  760. func (s Person) SetId(v uint64) {
  761. s.Struct.SetUint64(0, v)
  762. }
  763. func (s Person) Name() (string, error) {
  764. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
  765. return p.Text(), err
  766. }
  767. func (s Person) HasName() bool {
  768. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
  769. return p.IsValid() || err != nil
  770. }
  771. func (s Person) NameBytes() ([]byte, error) {
  772. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
  773. return p.TextBytes(), err
  774. }
  775. func (s Person) SetName(v string) error {
  776. return s.Struct.SetText(0, v)
  777. }
  778. func (s Person) PhotoPath() (string, error) {
  779. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
  780. return p.Text(), err
  781. }
  782. func (s Person) HasPhotoPath() bool {
  783. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
  784. return p.IsValid() || err != nil
  785. }
  786. func (s Person) PhotoPathBytes() ([]byte, error) {
  787. p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
  788. return p.TextBytes(), err
  789. }
  790. func (s Person) SetPhotoPath(v string) error {
  791. return s.Struct.SetText(1, v)
  792. }
  793. // Person_List is a list of Person.
  794. type Person_List struct{ capnp.List }
  795. // NewPerson creates a new list of Person.
  796. func NewPerson_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (Person_List, error) {
  797. l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 8, PointerCount: 2}, sz)
  798. return Person_List{l}, err
  799. }
  800. func (s Person_List) At(i int) Person { return Person{s.List.Struct(i)} }
  801. func (s Person_List) Set(i int, v Person) error { return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct) }
  802. func (s Person_List) String() string {
  803. str, _ := text.MarshalList(0xbe38be3daa02cbbb, s.List)
  804. return str
  805. }
  806. // Person_Promise is a wrapper for a Person promised by a client call.
  807. type Person_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline }
  808. func (p Person_Promise) Struct() (Person, error) {
  809. s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct()
  810. return Person{s}, err
  811. }
  812. const schema_cd7129bab3129d29 = "x\xda\x8c\x96\xef\x8bSW\x1e\xc6\x9f\xe7\x9c$w\x12" +
  813. "\xe3$\xd7{\x97\xdd\x11%\xee\xa2\x8b\x0e\xab\x8c\xa3." +
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  815. "\\\x9ch\x92\x1bon\x1c\x94]\x86ua\xa1\xfe\x03" +
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  817. "T\x85\x0aZ\x8a}'-\xadP\xd1B-\x15,\xb7" +
  818. "\x9c\x9b\x1f7S\xa7\xea\xbb\xc3'\xdfs\xcf\xf3=\xe7" +
  819. "y\xce\xc9\xc8\x9f\xe5\x1e\xb1=\xbe\x18\x03\xac\x9d\xf1D" +
  820. " D\xf3\xe6\xf9\xa5\xb9\xff\xc3J3\x16l9\xbb\xe6" +
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  822. "\x13\xd8q\\| \xc1 \xf1\xc3\xe9\xc9K\xe5\x9f\xce" +
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  824. "\x12\x0b`\xb0\xe9\xaf\xaf_y\xe3\xf2g/\xc0ZG" +
  825. "\x06\xc5\xf7_\xfe\xdf\xf3w\xbf\xbc\x8e\xb8\xd4\x80\x1d\xd4" +
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  829. "\x82C\x0d[\x93\xcf\x19\xbb\x92j\xb4=y\x1e\x0c\xb8" +
  830. "\xe6\x8bw\x0a3\x7f\xbc\x08Kg\x9f\xe0\x98\xaa\xb8\x9a" +
  831. "|\xd3\xb8\x11\xd6^\x0bk{\x0aW\xe8\xad\x92\xbae" +
  832. "\xb4R\xbf\x05\x8c\xff\xa6To\xaf\xdc\x1b\xdbPy\xe9" +
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  834. "\x81]k5\x9dm\x0d\x8f\xae\xef\x8e\xfd\xbdR\xad\x01" +
  835. "\x96\xc9>m\xfa\xef\x87\xfb\xda_?\xd6\xa7dh\xb6" +
  836. "o\xa9\xa1B\xdf\xfe\x0f\xcdf\xa6m\xdf\x19/\xfa\xb6" +
  837. "\xdfj\x06Sn\xb5\xea\x94\xfc\x0a\xa4[\x0f\xa6\xe6m" +
  838. "\xcf.\xf9\x0e\xe8\x05S\x9e\xb3\xb0\xdf\xa9\xcdA:\x9e" +
  839. "5-c@\x8c\xaay\xae\x05\x8a\x97(Y\xbcNA" +
  840. "\xd2\xa4\xc2\xd78\x0a\x14\xaf(\xfc9\x05uA\x93\x02" +
  841. "0np\x0c(~\xaa\xf8\xb7\x8aKaR\x02\xc6m" +
  842. "\xce\x01\xc5o\x14\xff^\xf1\x984\x19SGE\x0f(" +
  843. "\xdeS\xfc\xa1\xe2\xf1\x98\xc98`<\xe0^\xa0\xf8\xa3" +
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  846. "M\x0e\x00F2,\x8f)\x9eU<)M&\x01c" +
  847. "\xb5\x18\x06\x8a\x03\x8a\x9b\x8a\xa7\x84\xc9\x94\xb2\x98(\x00" +
  848. "\xc5\xac\xe2\xeb\x14_\x956\xb9\x0a0\x86\x84j\xcbT" +
  849. "|\x83\xe2\xe9\x84\xc94`\xac\x17\xb3@q\x9d\xe2\x9b" +
  850. "\x15_\xad\x99\\\x1d\xe6\xe1(P\xdc\xa8\xf8\x88\xe2\x83" +
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  855. "t\x10\x0c<\xa7\xea\xd8Mg\x1a\x9a\xed;\xccFN" +
  856. "\x02\x99\x05\x03\xd7\xab\x1c\xa9\xd4\xed*r\x07\xfa\xbf\x16" +
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  858. "\xf7j\x16\xbdV\xdd\xaf\xd4\x1cj\x10\xd4\xc0\xc5Js" +
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  860. "\xe0\x84\xeb;Sn\xab\x0e\xfa\xdd\x06\xc6\x9b\xa1!\x99" +
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  862. "\x92\xe6\xec\xd2\xb1\xb2\xe76\x90\xc9\xdb}\xb8\xd4gg" +
  863. "f\xa3@\xb4\x1b\xcc\x94\xec\xa6\xdf\xdd\x94l\x94\x10P" +
  864. "\xc1L\xc9s\x16\xa2_{\x91i\xff\xda\x8b\xa3\xe8\xc6" +
  865. "q['\"\xda\x9c\xe3\xe5Ik\xa0\x1b\x12}\xcb\x18" +
  866. "`m\x94\xb4F\x04\xf5ND\xf4\xad\x7f\x00\xac\xcd\x92" +
  867. "\xd6N\xc1\xf1\x86\xe35C\x85\xbd[\xa9\xadP;\xea" +
  868. "\xce\xf5\x9a\xe9\xae\x18\x8bV\xec\xb4\xe7\xd6\xfb\x86y[" +
  869. "z\xbe\x12\x90\xed\x09\xb0\xd7\x02\xd6\xbf$\xad\xf9^D" +
  870. "ug\x14\xb0\x0eKZ\xd5(\x9fze\x0e\xb0\xe6%" +
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  872. "\x9ai\xc5c{t\x13\xdb\xf7\x10\x94\xfe\xdf\x85\x92&" +
  873. "&\xf5\x89\x1c\xa9\x1f\x9a\xd4\x0f\xe5(\xf4\x93G\xf5\xff" +
  874. "\xe4(\xf5\xb3\xa7\xf4\x17s\x8c\xe9\x17\xf7\xea\x1f\xe5\x18" +
  875. "\xd7\xbf*\xe8\xb7s\x8b^\xab\xe6zN\xd9\x8aQ\x04" +
  876. "\x1f\xdf\xfdd\xe3\xd0\xdb\xfe9X1\xc1\x89\xac\xf2=" +
  877. "tN.\x16\xda5\xc0b\xa3j\xd7\xebO\xa8\xce\xb7" +
  878. "k\x80\xa0R\xcf{n\xb9UBFm\xf3\x0a\x93\xcc" +
  879. "\xce$/\x98\xa9o\x08k\x91\x0b\x8f\x04\x08\xdbW\x08" +
  880. "\xe3\xad\xd2\x13\xa6\x9f\x0e\xf2n\xd3W\x1f`\xb9\xd5\x99" +
  881. "\x8f\xee\xfe\x96\x01<f\xee\xde\xa0\xd0\xabcP\xb2\xeb" +
  882. "%\xa7Zu\xc0\xf2c\xe6\x14\x82\xa9\xa8\x0eX\xfe\xd0" +
  883. "\xe4\x1d\xaf)\xdd\xba:\x8ft\xcfO\x7fS~\xda#" +
  884. "i\xed\x8b\xfc43\x0cX\xd3\x92V\xbe\xcfO\xfb\x0b" +
  885. "\x80\xb5O\xd2:\xb8\xcc:\x99\xba]\x8b\x9c\xd3\x98w" +
  886. "}7o\xfb\xe0\xa3\xc6\xe8=v\xb9m\xea\x99\xfa\x85" +
  887. "\x8c\xe1H\x86N\xd1\xd11\xda\xafCvt\xa8\xb0\xfd" +
  888. "C\xd2: \x989\xe9\xd8\x1e%\x04%\x98\xab\xb9u" +
  889. "\x7f\x9e\x09\x08&@\xadl\x9f\xec\x8eW\x0ax;c" +
  890. "Z\xfb\xf8\xfa\xfe\x99\xe8<\x15\xbd\x9c\xe3*\x82\x9e\xdf" +
  891. "\x9f\xff\xe1\x95\xf2?\xda\xc9\xff\xb4X\xbe\x1f\xb9\x86\xed" +
  892. "\xf9\xcd\xe8\xe2\xe9\xad\xf2\xeb\x17O\xfb\x9d\x96Ow\xef" +
  893. "\x0c?\xc5\xbd\xb3L\xd0\xcf\x01\x00\x00\xff\xff\xd0*V" +
  894. "\x11"
  895. func init() {
  896. schemas.Register(schema_cd7129bab3129d29,
  897. 0x8662baafda730202,
  898. 0x8afd64c84282f606,
  899. 0xa0d6cbb1ccac3e25,
  900. 0xbacdba448901b941,
  901. 0xbe38be3daa02cbbb,
  902. 0xc1264952b8db1201,
  903. 0xd4e4ef9e83a4bc53,
  904. 0xfc58a269203af0a8)
  905. }