123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115 |
- # Copyright 1999-2024 Gentoo Authors
- # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
- EAPI=8
- inherit cuda cmake-multilib toolchain-funcs
- Sparse_PV="7.6.0"
- Sparse_P="SuiteSparse-${Sparse_PV}"
- DESCRIPTION="Sparse Cholesky factorization and update/downdate library"
- HOMEPAGE="https://people.engr.tamu.edu/davis/suitesparse.html"
- SRC_URI="https://github.com/DrTimothyAldenDavis/SuiteSparse/archive/v${Sparse_PV}.tar.gz -> ${Sparse_P}.gh.tar.gz"
- LICENSE="LGPL-2.1+ modify? ( GPL-2+ ) matrixops? ( GPL-2+ )"
- SLOT="0/4"
- KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~loong ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 ~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux"
- IUSE="+cholesky cuda camd +check debug doc fortran openmp +matrixops +modify +partition +supernodal test static-libs"
- RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
- DEPEND=">=sci-libs/suitesparseconfig-${Sparse_PV}
- >=sci-libs/amd-3.3.1
- >=sci-libs/colamd-3.3.1
- supernodal? ( virtual/lapack )
- partition? (
- >=sci-libs/camd-3.3.1
- >=sci-libs/ccolamd-3.3.1
- >=sci-libs/metis-5.2.1
- )
- cuda? (
- dev-util/nvidia-cuda-toolkit
- x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers
- )"
- BDEPEND="doc? ( virtual/latex-base )"
- REQUIRED_USE="supernodal? ( cholesky )
- modify? ( cholesky )
- matrixops? ( check )
- partition? ( camd )
- test? ( cholesky matrixops supernodal )"
- S="${WORKDIR}/${Sparse_P}/${PN^^}"
- RESTRICT="mirror"
- pkg_pretend() {
- [[ ${MERGE_TYPE} != binary ]] && use openmp && tc-check-openmp
- }
- pkg_setup() {
- [[ ${MERGE_TYPE} != binary ]] && use openmp && tc-check-openmp
- }
- src_prepare() {
- use cuda && cuda_src_prepare
- multilib_copy_sources
- cmake_src_prepare
- }
- multilib_src_configure() {
- # Not that "N" prefixed options are negative options
- # so they need to be turned OFF if you want that option.
- # Fortran is turned off as it is only used to compile (untested) demo programs.
- CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=$(usex debug RelWithDebInfo Release)
- local mycmakeargs=(
- -DBUILD_STATIC_LIBS=$(usex static-libs)
- -DCHOLMOD_USE_CUDA=$(usex cuda)
- -DCHOLMOD_USE_OPENMP=$(usex openmp)
- -DCHOLMOD_CAMD=$(usex camd)
- -DCHOLMOD_CHECK=$(usex check)
- -DCHOLMOD_CHOLESKY=$(usex cholesky)
- -DCHOLMOD_MATRIXOPS=$(usex matrixops)
- -DCHOLMOD_MODIFY=$(usex modify)
- -DCHOLMOD_PARTITION=$(usex partition)
- -DCHOLMOD_SUPERNODAL=$(usex supernodal)
- -DSUITESPARSE_DEMOS=$(usex test)
- )
- cmake_src_configure
- }
- multilib_src_test() {
- # Run demo files
- ./cholmod_demo < "${S}"/Demo/Matrix/bcsstk01.tri || die "failed testing"
- ./cholmod_l_demo < "${S}"/Demo/Matrix/bcsstk01.tri || die "failed testing"
- ./cholmod_demo < "${S}"/Demo/Matrix/lp_afiro.tri || die "failed testing"
- ./cholmod_l_demo < "${S}"/Demo/Matrix/lp_afiro.tri || die "failed testing"
- ./cholmod_demo < "${S}"/Demo/Matrix/can___24.mtx || die "failed testing"
- ./cholmod_l_demo < "${S}"/Demo/Matrix/can___24.mtx || die "failed testing"
- ./cholmod_demo < "${S}"/Demo/Matrix/c.tri || die "failed testing"
- ./cholmod_l_demo < "${S}"/Demo/Matrix/c.tri || die "failed testing"
- ./cholmod_simple < "${S}"/Demo/Matrix/c.tri || die "failed testing"
- ./cholmod_simple < "${S}"/Demo/Matrix/can___24.mtx || die "failed testing"
- ./cholmod_simple < "${S}"/Demo/Matrix/bcsstk01.tri || die "failed testing"
- }
- multilib_src_install() {
- if use doc; then
- pushd "${S}/Doc"
- rm -rf *.pdf
- emake
- popd
- DOCS="${S}/Doc/*.pdf"
- fi
- cmake_src_install
- }
- multilib_src_install_all() {
- # no static archives
- use !static-libs && ( find "${ED}" -name "*.a" -delete || die )
- # strip .la files
- find "${D}" -name '*.la' -delete || die
- }