settingtypes.txt 749 B

  1. farming.rarety (Crop Rarety) float 0.002
  2. farming.viscosity (Viscosity of walking through grain) int 1 1 10
  3. farming.wait_min (Minimum waiting time for next growing step) int 60 5 500
  4. farming.wait_max (Maximum waiting time for next growing step) int 70 6 510
  5. farming.wilt_removal_time (Mean time to remove wilt crops) int 120 5 500
  6. farming.wilt_time (Mean time for fullgrown crop to wilt) int 6400 5 5000
  7. farming.min_light (Min light needed for crops to grow) int 10 1 14
  8. farming.health_threshold (healthiness threshold) int 50 1 100
  9. farming.factor_regrow (factor for regrow after punching) float 2
  10. farming.abm_planting (time intervall for abm planting) int 30 5 500
  11. farming.abm_planting_change (change for abm planting for execution) int 750 5 20000