2 Commits 47dcaa7be9 ... 0807c1bc78

Author SHA1 Message Date
  Wojciech Karpiel 0807c1bc78 potężna optymalizacja 1 year ago
  Wojciech Karpiel 64d8a1dea8 potężna optymalizacja 1 year ago
4 changed files with 78 additions and 26 deletions
  1. 1 1
  2. 18 11
  3. 55 11
  4. 4 3

+ 1 - 1

@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ W logach dostaniesz namiar na plik.
 Tylko dla użytkowników [Graala](https://www.graalvm.org/):
-sbt 'GraalVMNativeImage / packageBin'
+sbt 'show GraalVMNativeImage / packageBin'
 ## Chcę użyć `Tableaux` jako biblioteki w moim programie

+ 18 - 11

@@ -10,27 +10,34 @@ object Main {
   def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
+    var maxSearchDepth = 4
     println("Spróbuj wpisać jakie co, na przykład:")
     println("Paradoks barowy: jeśli jeden pije, to wszyscy piją")
     println("exists x. forall y. (Pije(x) => Pije(y))")
     println("Albo udowodnij istnienie liczby 3")
     println("N(O) ∧ ∀i.((N(i) ⇒ N(s(i)))) ⇒ N(s(s(s(O))))")
-    val maxSearchDepth = 4
+    println(s"Głębokość poszukiwań to $maxSearchDepth")
+    println(s"Żeby ją zmienić podaj liczbę zamiast formuły logicznej")
     def loop(): Unit = {
       print("> ")
       val input = readLine()
       if (input != null && input.nonEmpty) {
-        val startTime = System.nanoTime()
-        val tree = new Tree(input)
-        val proven = tree.solve(maxSearchDepth)
-        val endTime = System.nanoTime()
-        val response = if proven then s"To prawda, że ${tree.formula}"
-        else s"Nie udało mi się udowodnić, że ${tree.formula} (głębokość szukania: $maxSearchDepth)"
-        println(response)
-        println(s"Operacja zajęła ${formatTime(endTime - startTime)}")
+        input.toIntOption match
+          case Some(newBound) =>
+            println(s"Nowa głębokość poszukiwań: $newBound (było: $maxSearchDepth)")
+            maxSearchDepth = newBound
+          case None =>
+            val startTime = System.nanoTime()
+            val tree = new Tree(input)
+            val proven = tree.solve(maxSearchDepth)
+            val endTime = System.nanoTime()
+            val response = if proven then s"To prawda, że ${tree.formula}"
+            else s"Nie udało mi się udowodnić, że ${tree.formula} (głębokość szukania: $maxSearchDepth)"
+            println(response)
+            println(s"Operacja zajęła ${formatTime(endTime - startTime)}")
@@ -42,7 +49,7 @@ object Main {
   private def formatTime(nanos: Long) = {
     val bse = 1000L
-    def shft(x: Long): Int = if x == 0 then -1 else (1 + shft(x / bse))
+    def shft(x: Long): Int = if x == 0 then -1 else 1 + shft(x / bse)
     def naivePow(base: Long, exp: Long): Long = if exp == 0 then 1 else base * naivePow(base, exp - 1)

+ 55 - 11

@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import unification.{FormulaInterop, Unifier}
 import org.parboiled2.ParseError
 import scala.annotation.tailrec
+import scala.collection.mutable
 import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
 import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
@@ -21,10 +22,9 @@ final class Tree(val formula: Formula, debug: Boolean) {
   def this(formula: String, debug: Boolean) = this({
     Parser.run(formula) match
-      case Failure(exception) => {
+      case Failure(exception) =>
         println(new Parser(formula).formatError(exception.asInstanceOf[ParseError]))
         throw exception
-      }
       case Success(value) => value
   }, debug)
@@ -145,13 +145,17 @@ final class Tree(val formula: Formula, debug: Boolean) {
   def solve(maxGammaExpansions: Int): Boolean = {
-    expandNonGamma();
+    expandNonGamma()
     val tips = findTips
-    val cnds = tips.map(branchClosingUnifiables);
+    val cndsq = tips.map(branchClosingUnifiables)
+    val cnds = reduceq(cndsq)
     doDebug {
+      val q = cndsq.map(_.toVector).toVector
       val ccc = cnds.map(_.toVector).toVector
       val szs = ccc.map(_.size)
-      println(szs)
+      val wasPointless = q.map(_.toSet) == ccc.map(_.toSet)
+      println(wasPointless.toString + " " + szs)
     val ok = hardcoreSolve(cnds)
@@ -168,13 +172,46 @@ final class Tree(val formula: Formula, debug: Boolean) {
+  private def hasFreeUnif(v: Seq[(Unifier.UnifierTerm, Unifier.UnifierTerm)]): Boolean = {
+    v.exists { case (a, b) => Unifier.unify(a, b) match
+      case UnificationResult.UnificationFailure => false
+      case UnificationResult.UnificationSuccess(substitution) => substitution.isEmpty
+    }
+  }
+  private def reduceq(value: Seq[Seq[(Unifier.UnifierTerm, Unifier.UnifierTerm)]]): Seq[Seq[(UnifierTerm, UnifierTerm)]] = {
+    if value.isEmpty then Seq() else {
+      val myStuff = value.head
+      val hasContantUnif = hasFreeUnif(myStuff)
+      if (hasContantUnif) reduceq(value.tail) // only tail
+      else {
+        @tailrec
+        def dedup(soFar: List[(UnifierTerm, UnifierTerm)], toDo: Seq[(UnifierTerm, UnifierTerm)]): Seq[(UnifierTerm, UnifierTerm)] = {
+          if toDo.isEmpty then soFar else {
+            val (a, b) = toDo.head
+            if (soFar.contains((a, b)) || soFar.contains((b, a))) dedup(soFar, toDo.tail)
+            else dedup(toDo.head :: soFar, toDo.tail)
+          }
+        }
+        val dd = dedup(Nil, myStuff)
+        dd +: reduceq(value.tail)
+      }
+    }
+  }
    * This is v bad to fix later
    * @return true if ok
   private def hardcoreSolve(candidates: Seq[Seq[(Unifier.UnifierTerm, Unifier.UnifierTerm)]]): Boolean =
-    if candidates.isEmpty then true else {
+    if candidates.isEmpty then {
+      doDebug(println("koniec"))
+      true
+    } else {
       val myPart = candidates.head
@@ -185,26 +222,32 @@ final class Tree(val formula: Formula, debug: Boolean) {
           val (candA, candB) = myC.head
           Unifier.unify(candA, candB) match {
             case UnificationResult.UnificationFailure => loop(myC.tail)
-            case UnificationResult.UnificationSuccess(substitution) => {
+            case UnificationResult.UnificationSuccess(substitution) =>
               propc(rootNode, substitution)
               val rest = candidates.tail.map(propcHHH(_, substitution))
               val ok = hardcoreSolve(rest)
-              if ok then true //solution found
+              if ok then {
+                doDebug(println(s"znalazłem $candA - $candB"))
+                true
+              } //solution found
               else {
-            }
-      loop(myPart)
+      if (hasFreeUnif(myPart)) { // ta optymalizacja jest potężna!!!
+        val rest = candidates.tail
+        doDebug(println(s"this layer is free (remaining:${rest.size})  - continuing"))
+        hardcoreSolve(candidates.tail)
+      } else loop(myPart)
-  private def doDebug(code: => Unit) = if debug then code
+  private def doDebug(code: => Unit): Unit = if debug then code
   // todo ohyda
   private def backupFormulas(node: Node): Unit = {
@@ -269,6 +312,7 @@ final class Tree(val formula: Formula, debug: Boolean) {
 object Tree {
   def isTautology(formula: String, searchBound: Int): Boolean = new Tree(formula).solve(searchBound)

+ 4 - 3

@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
 package pl.wojciechkarpiel.tableaux
 package unification
+import lang.Formula.Predicate
+import lang.Term
 import lang.Term.{NamedVar, Variable}
 import unification.Unifier.UnificationResult.{UnificationFailure, UnificationSuccess}
 import unification.Unifier.UnifierTerm.*
-import pl.wojciechkarpiel.tableaux.lang.Formula.Predicate
-import pl.wojciechkarpiel.tableaux.lang.Term
 import scala.annotation.{tailrec, targetName}
 object Unifier {
@@ -29,6 +28,8 @@ object Unifier {
     def size: Int = substitution.size
+    def isEmpty: Boolean = substitution.isEmpty
     private def concat(other: Substitution): Substitution = substitution ++ other
     // TODO forbid