[UNMAINTAINED] Heritage Equals Retro Interpreting Text Adventure Game Engine. HERITAGE is a text adventure file format and game engine.

Sylvie 78f0e086ec Host server for HERITAGE 9 years ago
example 8666038b2a Save games locally to allow replaying after multiplayer match 9 years ago
COPYING e40b3c9704 Text adventure games never died 9 years ago
README.md d81cc5c9f7 Update README 9 years ago
engine.js 78f0e086ec Host server for HERITAGE 9 years ago
index.html b0235e1d91 Add log animations and simple exponential backoff for broker 9 years ago
jquery-1.11.1.js beab0d98d2 Include unminified jQuery for source completeness 9 years ago
jquery-1.11.1.min.js e40b3c9704 Text adventure games never died 9 years ago
peer.js b250ee139a Start server and send game state to other client 9 years ago
style.css 22821e5b0e Don't colour visited links 9 years ago



Heritage Equals Retro Interpreting Text Adventure Game Engine


HERITAGE is a text adventure game engine, written in Javascript, capable of interpreting .heritage files.

.heritage files, also known as: HERITAGE Game Files, are files written in the HERITAGE file format. These files are fairly simple, yet powerful, markup files, written in a format specially tailored for the text adventure game genre. It is designed to be easy to use, yet powerful enough to make serious text adventure games in.

For an example, please look at the example directory. Documentation on how to write a text adventure game for HERITAGE is available on Read The Docs


HERITAGE is released under the GNU GPLv3+. Alternatively, some files are available under another license. These are:

  • jquery-1.11.1(.min).js (available under the MIT license)
  • index.html (available under the CC0 license)
  • style.css (available under the CC0 license)
  • README (available under the CC0 license)
  • example/* (available under the CC0 license)

The file COPYING is Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.