_build-all.bat 4.6 KB

  1. @echo off
  2. REM Start the program
  3. GOTO :Main
  4. REM # ================================================================================================
  5. REM # Documentation
  6. REM # Spine of the program; this makes sure that the execution works as intended.
  7. REM # ================================================================================================
  8. :Main
  9. REM Update the terminal window title
  10. TITLE Realm667 Batch Selector by Ozymandias81
  11. CALL :MainMenu
  12. GOTO :TerminateProcess
  13. REM # ================================================================================================
  14. REM # Documentation
  15. REM # Displays the main menu
  16. REM # ================================================================================================
  17. :MainMenu
  18. REM Thrash the terminal buffer
  19. CLS
  20. ECHO --------------------------------------------------------------
  21. ECHO Welcome to Ozy's R667s Batch Selector, choose a game by typing
  22. ECHO the relative entry and press ENTER. Choices have been setup
  23. ECHO all under QWERTY keyboards.
  24. ECHO --------------------------------------------------------------
  25. ECHO.
  26. ECHO [1] Build All
  27. ECHO [2] Austerity
  28. ECHO [3] KDiZD
  29. ECHO [4] Sapphire
  30. ECHO [5] Stronghold
  31. ECHO [6] TCOTD1
  32. ECHO [7] TCOTD2
  33. ECHO [8] The Refinery
  34. ECHO [9] TUTNT Complete
  35. ECHO [0] TUTNT Episode 1
  36. ECHO [a] TUTNT Episode 2
  37. ECHO [b] TUTNT Episode 3
  38. ECHO [c] TUTNT Episode LE
  39. ECHO [d] ZDCMP1
  40. ECHO [e] ZDCMP2
  41. ECHO [f] ZPack
  42. ECHO.
  43. ECHO [.] Exit
  44. ECHO -----------------------------------------------------
  45. REM Capture the user input
  46. CALL :PromptUserInput
  47. REM Inspect the input
  48. GOTO :MainMenu_STDIN
  49. REM # ================================================================================================
  50. REM # Documentation
  51. REM # This function captures the standard input from the user.
  52. REM # ================================================================================================
  53. :PromptUserInput
  54. SET /P STDIN=^>^>^>^>
  55. GOTO :EOF
  56. REM # ================================================================================================
  57. REM # Documentation
  58. REM # Inspect the user's input and execute their desired action
  59. REM # ================================================================================================
  60. :MainMenu_STDIN
  61. IF "%STDIN%" EQU "1" (
  62. CALL all_build.bat
  63. GOTO :MainMenu
  64. )
  65. IF "%STDIN%" EQU "2" (
  66. CALL austerity_build.bat
  67. GOTO :MainMenu
  68. )
  69. IF "%STDIN%" EQU "3" (
  70. CALL kdizd_build.bat
  71. GOTO :MainMenu
  72. )
  73. IF "%STDIN%" EQU "4" (
  74. CALL sapphire_build.bat
  75. GOTO :MainMenu
  76. )
  77. IF "%STDIN%" EQU "5" (
  78. CALL stronghold_build.bat
  79. GOTO :MainMenu
  80. )
  81. IF "%STDIN%" EQU "6" (
  82. CALL tcotd1_build.bat
  83. GOTO :MainMenu
  84. )
  85. IF "%STDIN%" EQU "7" (
  86. CALL tcotd2_build.bat
  87. GOTO :MainMenu
  88. )
  89. IF "%STDIN%" EQU "8" (
  90. CALL therefinery_build.bat
  91. GOTO :MainMenu
  92. )
  93. IF "%STDIN%" EQU "9" (
  94. CALL tutnt_build.bat
  95. GOTO :MainMenu
  96. )
  97. IF "%STDIN%" EQU "0" (
  98. CALL tnte1_build.bat
  99. GOTO :MainMenu
  100. )
  101. IF "%STDIN%" EQU "a" (
  102. CALL tnte2_build.bat
  103. GOTO :MainMenu
  104. )
  105. IF "%STDIN%" EQU "b" (
  106. CALL tnte3_build.bat
  107. GOTO :MainMenu
  108. )
  109. IF "%STDIN%" EQU "c" (
  110. CALL tntele_build.bat
  111. GOTO :MainMenu
  112. )
  113. IF "%STDIN%" EQU "d" (
  114. CALL zdcmp1_build.bat
  115. GOTO :MainMenu
  116. )
  117. IF "%STDIN%" EQU "e" (
  118. CALL zdcmp2_build.bat
  119. GOTO :MainMenu
  120. )
  121. IF "%STDIN%" EQU "f" (
  122. CALL zpack_build.bat
  123. GOTO :MainMenu
  124. )
  125. IF /I "%STDIN%" EQU "." (
  126. GOTO :EOF
  127. )
  128. IF /I "%STDIN%" EQU "U" (
  129. CALL :MainMenu_STDIN_BadInput
  130. GOTO :MainMenu
  131. )
  132. REM # ================================================================================================
  133. REM # Documentation
  134. REM # This function displays a message to the user that the STDIN was illegal and not supported
  135. REM # ================================================================================================
  136. :MainMenu_STDIN_BadInput
  137. ECHO.
  138. ECHO ---------------------------- ERROR: INVALID OPTION -----------------------------
  139. ECHO The provided input from the user is not either valid or supported.
  140. ECHO Please select from the choices provided.
  141. ECHO.
  143. ECHO If you get stuck with selector, simply close the window or press CTRL+LSHIFT+C
  144. ECHO ---------------------------- ERROR: INVALID OPTION -----------------------------
  145. ECHO.
  146. PAUSE
  147. GOTO :MainMenu
  148. REM # ================================================================================================
  149. REM # Documentation
  150. REM # Terminate the program without destroying the console process if invoked via CUI.
  151. REM # ================================================================================================
  152. :TerminateProcess
  153. ECHO Closing program. . .
  154. REM Restore the terminal window's title to something generic
  155. TITLE Command Prompt
  156. EXIT /B 0