123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122 |
- #!/usr/bin/slidescript
- #############################################################
- #### Welcome to the world of SlideScript! ####
- #### This script is here for the learning purposes of SS ####
- #### Any line starting with a hashtag will treated as a ####
- #### comment! ####
- #############################################################
- # Slide Script, also refered to as SS, is extremely forgiving in
- # syntax handling!
- # Example:
- # print "content"
- # print("content")
- ###
- ### These will operate properly, as well as:
- # Example:
- # write "filename.txt" "data"
- # write "filename.txt", "data"
- # write("filename.txt" "data")
- # write("filename.txt", "data")
- #
- # SlideScript really syntaxes based on quotes and key function words,
- # as well as pipes. It really doesn't mind whats around it otherwise
- # And every variable is called by %varname%, defining variables, as normal
- # Variables in SS
- ss_filename=file.txt
- ss_stringdata=Data to encrypt and decrypt
- ss_exec_command=uname -a
- # Printing function in SS
- print "Welcome to SlideScript!"
- # Sleep function in SS
- print "Some content to print, working with '%ss_filename%' today!"
- # Below demonstrates SS encrypting a string, passing the output
- # over a pipe, and using the write function and %PIPE% variable
- # holding the first functions output, writes to %ss_filename%; file.txt
- ### %PIPE% is the output from the first line function, enc
- ### %PIPE% is always applied when a pipe is used!
- encode "%ss_stringdata%" | write "%ss_filename%" "%PIPE%"
- # You're left with file.txt, lets move on
- # Lets read the file we just created and show how SS handles its
- # own decryption algorithm
- read "%ss_filename%" | decrypt "%PIPE%"
- # Will display the original variable string!
- # SS MD5 function
- # Lets get the md5sum of file.txt with our md5 function
- md5 "%ss_filename%" | write "%ss_filename%.md5" "%PIPE%"
- # Use a pipe, and push the md5 into a text file of file.txt
- # You can also stack pipes for whatever tasks you may need
- # Here's the encrypt function in action, can also be used as encode
- md5 "%ss_filename%" | encode "%PIPE%" | write "%ss_filename%.md5.enc" "%PIPE%"
- # Read md5 file
- print "%ss_filename%.md5:"
- read "%ss_filename%.md5"
- # Read encrypted md5 file and decrypt using decode alias
- print "%ss_filename%.md5.enc:"
- read "%ss_filename%.md5.enc" | decode "%PIPE%"
- # Delete function, SS can delete files and directories with one function
- # NOTE: it is extremely powerful and can wreck your system if used in the
- # wrong way! Proceed with caution, delete "/" WILL send your files to the
- # grave.
- ###
- # Lets delete the files we've been messing with, no system calls needed
- delete "%ss_filename%"
- delete "%ss_filename%.md5"
- delete "%ss_filename%.md5.enc"
- # Gone!
- print "Playing with some calc..."
- # calc function, lets do some basic math
- calc "32 * 1024"
- # You can pipe calc to do multi layer equations
- calc "32 * 1024" | calc "%PIPE% * 2"
- # Lets play with some big numbers here!
- # SlideScript parses its calc functions using floating points, so you can
- # handle decimal as well
- calc "1024 * 1024" | calc "%PIPE% * %PIPE%"
- # Decimal
- print "Here comes the decimal:"
- calc "46 / 3.4"
- # Execute function, SS can call unix system calls!
- # Executes the ss_exec_command variable data, 'ls'
- print "Testing exec function on system"
- # comp, loop, if, and ifn examples
- # Check to see if /bin/sh exists
- exist=`isfile "/bin/sh"`
- # Report findings on /bin/sh
- if: %exist%; print "/bin/sh exists!"
- ifn: %exist%; printf "/bin/sh does not exist!"
- # Loop functions, example
- loop: 3; print "Loop print 3 times"
- # Compare strings
- compvar=`comp: "matching" "match"`
- ifn: %compvar%; print "Strings don't match"
- # Unset compvar
- unset "compvar"
- # Set again, and compare integers
- compvar=`comp: "245" "245"`
- if: %compvar%; print "Values match!"
- # Want to use SS as a shell?
- # System wide executables can be ran!
- %ss_exec_command%