3 Commits 4853f29447 ... dd52114ef6

Author SHA1 Message Date
  Jaidyn Ann dd52114ef6 hbsprint, hudbars: Patch icons 2 years ago
  Jaidyn Ann db65373380 Clone minetest_hudbars 2 years ago
  Jaidyn Ann 19631cff95 default: Expand hotbar from 8 to 10 2 years ago

+ 1 - 0

@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player)
 	-- Set hotbar textures
+	player:hud_set_hotbar_itemcount(10)



+ 210 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+API documentation for the HUD bars mod
+## Introduction
+This API allows you to add, change, hide and unhide custom HUD bars for this mod.
+## Overview
+To give you a *very* brief overview over this API, here is the basic workflow on how to add your own custom HUD bar:
+* Create images for your HUD bar
+* Call `hb.register_hudbar` to make the definition of the HUD bar known to this mod
+* Call `hb.init_hudbar` for each player for which you want to use previously defined HUD bar
+* Use `hb.change_hudbar` whenever you need to change the values of a HUD bar of a certain player
+* If you need it: Use `hb.hide_hudbar` and `hb.unhide_hudbar` to hide or unhide HUD bars of a certain player
+## The basic rules
+In order to use this API, you should be aware of a few basic rules in order to understand it:
+* A HUD bar is an approximate graphical representation of the ratio of a current value and a maximum value, i.e. current health of 15 and maximum health of 20. A full HUD bar represents 100%, an empty HUD bar represents 0%.
+* The current value must always be equal to or smaller then the maximum 
+* Both current value and maximum must not be smaller than 0
+* Both current value and maximum must be real numbers. So no NaN, infinity, etc.
+* The HUD bar will be hidden if the maximum equals 0. This is intentional.
+* The health and breath HUD bars are hardcoded.
+These are soft rules, the HUD bars mod will not enforce all of these.
+But this mod has been programmed under the assumption that these rules are followed, for integrity.
+## Adding a HUD bar
+To make a new HUD bar known to this mod, you need …
+* … an image of size 2×16 for the bar
+* … an icon of size 16×16 (optional)
+* … to register it with `hb.register_hudbar`
+### Bar image
+The image for the bar will be repeated horizontally to denote the “value” of the HUD bar.
+It **must** be of size 2×16.
+If neccessary, the image will be split vertically in half, and only the left half of the image
+is displayed. So the final HUD bar will always be displayed on a per-pixel basis.
+The default bar images are single-colored, but you can use other styles as well, for instance,
+a vertical gradient.
+### Icon
+A 16×16 image shown left of the HUD bar. This is optional.
+### `hb.register_hudbar(identifier, text_color, label, textures, default_start_value, default_start_max, default_start_hidden, format_string, format_string_config)`
+This function registers a new custom HUD bar definition to the HUD bars mod, so it can be later used to be displayed, changed, hidden
+and unhidden on a per-player basis.
+Note this does not yet display the HUD bar.
+The HUD bars will be displayed in a “first come, first serve” order. This API does not allow fow a custom order or a way to set it
+manually in a reliable way. However, you can use the setting `hudbars_sorting` for this. See the advanced setting menu in Minetest
+for more information.
+#### Parameters
+* `identifier`: A globally unique internal name for the HUD bar, will be used later to refer to it. Please only rely on alphanumeric characters for now. The identifiers “`health`” and “`breath`” are used internally for the built-in health and breath bar, respectively. Please do not use these names.
+* `text_color`: A 3-octet number defining the color of the text. The octets denote, in this order red, green and blue and range from `0x00` (complete lack of this component) to `0xFF` (full intensity of this component). Example: `0xFFFFFF` for white.
+* `label`: A string which is displayed on the HUD bar itself to describe the HUD bar. Try to keep this string short.
+* `textures`: A table with the following fields:
+ * `bar`: The file name of the bar image (as string). This is only used for the `progress_bar` bar type (see `README.txt`, settings section).
+ * `icon`: The file name of the icon, as string. For the `progress_bar` type, it is shown as single image left of the bar, for the two statbar bar types, it is used as the statbar icon and will be repeated. This field can be `nil`, in which case no icon will be used, but this is not recommended, because the HUD bar will be invisible if the one of the statbar bar types is used.
+ * `bgicon`: The file name of the background icon, it is used as the background for the modern statbar mode only. This field can be `nil`, in which case no background icon will be displayed in this mode.
+* `default_start_value`: If this HUD bar is added to a player, and no initial value is specified, this value will be used as initial current value
+* `default_max_value`: If this HUD bar is added to a player, and no initial maximum value is specified, this value will be used as initial maximum value
+* `default_start_hidden`: The HUD bar will be initially start hidden by default when added to a player. Use `hb.unhide_hudbar` to unhide it.
+* `format_string`: Optional; You can specify an alternative format string to use for the final text on the HUD bar. The default format string is “`@1: @2/@3`” (The “@” numbers are placeholders that have a meaning in this order: @1 = Label, @2 = current value, @3 = maximum value). Do *not* use minetest.translator on this string, the string will be translated by `hudbars`, but you still must put this string into the translation catalogue file.
+* `format_string_config`: Required if `format_string` is set. This allows to change which parameters to use in the format string. It's a table with these fields:
+ * `textdomain`: Text domain of the format string, used by `minetest.translate`
+ * `order`: Table that contains the order of the placeholders. It's also possible to remove placeholders. Default order: `{ "label", "value", "max_value" }`
+ * `format_value`: Format string to apply when displaying `value`. Syntax is same as in `string.format`. Default: `"%d"`
+ * `format_max_value`: Same as `format_value` but is applied to `max_value`
+#### Example
+Example (mostly) from `hbarmor` mod:
+hb.register_hudbar("armor", 0xFFFFFF, minetest.translator("hbarmor", "Armor"), { icon = "hbarmor_icon.png", bgicon = "hbarmor_bgicon.png", bar = "hbarmor_bar.png" }, 0, 100, hbarmor.autohide, N("@1: @2%"), { order = { "label", "value" }, textdomain = "hbarmor" } )
+Displays an armor HUD bar with a label of the form „Armor: 53%“. (`N` is a dummy function that returns its argument, used to make the string visible for translator scripts.)
+#### Return value
+Always `nil`.
+## Displaying a HUD bar
+After a HUD bar has been registered, they are not yet displayed yet for any player. HUD bars must be
+explicitly initialized on a per-player basis.
+You probably want to do this in the `minetest.register_on_joinplayer`.
+### `hb.init_hudbar(player, identifier, start_value, start_max, start_hidden)`
+This function initialzes and activates a previously registered HUD bar and assigns it to a
+certain client/player. This has only to be done once per player and after that, you can change
+the values using `hb.change_hudbar`.
+However, if `start_hidden` was set to `true` for the HUD bar (in `hb.register_hudbar`), the HUD bar
+will initially be hidden, but the HUD elements are still sent to the client. Otherwise,
+the HUD bar will be initially be shown to the player.
+#### Parameters
+* `player`: `ObjectRef` of the player to which the new HUD bar should be displayed to.
+* `identifier`: The identifier of the HUD bar type, as specified in `hb.register_hudbar`.
+* `start_value`: The initial current value of the HUD bar. This is optional, `default_start_value` of the registration function will be used, if this is `nil`.
+* `start_max`: The initial maximum value of the HUD bar. This is optional, `default_start_max` of the registration function will be used, if this is `nil`
+* `start_hidden`: Whether the HUD bar is initially hidden. This is optional, `default_start_hidden` of the registration function will be used as default
+#### Return value
+`true` on success, `false` otherwise.
+## Modifying a HUD bar
+After a HUD bar has been added, you can change the current and maximum value and other attributes on a per-player basis.
+You use the function `hb.change_hudbar` for this.
+### `hb.change_hudbar(player, identifier, new_value, new_max_value, new_icon, new_bgicon, new_bar, new_label, new_text_color)`
+Changes the values and the appearance of an initialized HUD bar for a certain player. `new_value`
+and `new_max_value` are the most important parameters as they specify the new current and maximum new values, you do not need
+to worry too much about the other parameters.
+The following parameters are less important and provided for styling the HUD bar after registration (if
+this is desired). The “styling” parameters parallel the parameters of `hb.register_hudbar`. It is
+recommended to not change the style of a HUD bar too often as this can be distracting or confusing
+for players.
+`new_value`, `new_max_value` `new_icon`, `new_bgicon`, `new_bar`, `new_label` and `new_text_color` can be
+`nil`; if one of them is `nil`, that means the value is unchanged. If all those values are `nil`, this
+function is a no-op.
+This function tries to minimize the amount of calls to `hud_change` of the Minetest Lua API
+(and thus, network traffic), when you only change the value and/or  maximum value. In this case,
+`hud_change` is only called if it is actually needed, e.g. when the actual length of the bar
+or the displayed string changed, so you do not have to worry about it. There is, however, no
+such network optimization for the “styling” parameters, so keep this in mind.
+#### Parameters
+* `player`: `ObjectRef` of the player to which the HUD bar belongs to
+* `identifier`: The identifier of the HUD bar type to change, as specified in `hb.register_hudbar`.
+* `new_value`: The new current value of the HUD bar
+* `new_max_value`: The new maximum value of the HUD bar
+* `new_icon`: File name of the new icon
+* `new_bgicon`: File name of the new background icon for the modern-style statbar
+* `new_bar`: File name of the new bar segment image
+* `new_label`: A new text label of the HUD bar. Note the format string still applies
+* `new_text_color`: A 3-octet number defining the new color of the text.
+#### Return value
+`true` on success, `false` otherwise.
+## Hiding and unhiding a HUD bar
+You can also hide custom HUD bars, meaning they will not be displayed for a certain player. You can still
+use `hb.change_hudbar` on a hidden HUD bar, the new values will be correctly displayed after the HUD bar
+has been unhidden. Both functions will only call `hud_change` if there has been an actual change to avoid
+unneccessary traffic.
+Note that the hidden state of a HUD bar will *not* be saved by this mod on server shutdown, so you may need
+to write your own routines for this or by setting the correct value for `start_hidden` when calling
+### `hb.hide_hudbar(player, identifier)`
+Hides the specified HUD bar from the screen of the specified player.
+#### Parameters
+* `player`: `ObjectRef` of the player to which the HUD bar belongs to
+* `identifier`: The identifier of the HUD bar type to hide, as specified in `hb.register_hudbar`.
+#### Return value
+`true` on success, `false` otherwise.
+### `hb.unhide_hudbar(player, identifier)`
+Makes a previously hidden HUD bar visible again to a player.
+#### Parameters
+* `player`: `ObjectRef` of the player to which the HUD bar belongs to
+* `identifier`: The identifier of the HUD bar type to unhide, as specified in `hb.register_hudbar`.
+#### Return value
+`true` on success, `false` otherwise.
+## Reading HUD bar information
+It is also possible to read information about existing HUD bars.
+### `hb.get_hudbar_state(player, identifier)`
+Returns the current state of the active player's HUD bar.
+#### Parameters
+* `player`: `ObjectRef` of the player to which the HUD bar belongs to
+* `identifier`: The identifier of the HUD bar type to hide, as specified in `hb.register_hudbar`.
+#### Return value
+On success, returns a table which holds information on the current state of the HUD bar. Note
+the table is a deep copy of the internal HUD bar state, it is *not* a reference; the information
+hold by the table is only true for the moment you called this function. The fields of this table are:
+* `value`: Current value of HUD bar.
+* `max`: Current maximum value of HUD bar.
+* `hidden`: Boolean denoting whether the HUD bar is hidden.
+* `barlength`: The length of the HUD bar in pixels. This field is meaningless if the HUD bar is currently hidden.
+* `text`: The text shown on the HUD bar. This fiels is meaningless if the HUD bar is currently hidden.
+If the player does not exist, returns `nil` instead.
+### `hb.get_hudbar_identifiers()`
+Returns a table of all currently registered HUD bar identifiers.

+ 62 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# HUD bars
+## Description
+This mod changes the HUD of Minetest. It replaces the default health and breath
+symbols by horizontal colored bars with text showing the number.
+Furthermore, it enables other mods to add their own custom bars to the HUD,
+this mod will place them accordingly.
+**Important**: Keep in mind if running a server with this mod, that the custom
+position should be displayed correctly on every screen size.
+## Current version
+The current version is 2.3.3.
+It works for Minetest 5.3.0.
+This software uses [semantic versioning](http://semver.org), as defined by version 2.0.0 of the SemVer
+## Settings
+This mod can be configured quite a bit. You can change HUD bar appearance, offsets, ordering, and more.
+Use the advanced settings menu in Minetest for detailed configuration.
+## API
+The API is used to add your own custom HUD bars.
+Documentation for the API of this mod can be found in `API.md`.
+## Legal
+### License of source code
+Author: Wuzzy (2015)
+Also: This mod was forked from the “Better HUD” [hud] mod by BlockMen.
+* German: Wuzzy
+* Portuguese: BrunoMine
+* Turkish: admicos
+* Dutch: kingoscargames
+* Italian: Hamlet
+* Malay: muhdnurhidayat
+* Russian: Imk
+* Spanish: wuniversales
+This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
+the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it
+and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT License.
+### Licenses of textures
+* `hudbars_icon_health.png`—celeron55 (CC BY-SA 3.0), modified by BlockMen
+* `hudbars_bgicon_health.png`—celeron55 (CC BY-SA 3.0), modified by BlockMen
+* `hudbars_icon_breath.png`—kaeza (MIT License), modified by BlockMen, modified again by Wuzzy
+* `hudbars_bgicon_breath.png`—based on previous image, edited by Wuzzy (MIT License)
+* `hudbars_bar_health.png`—Wuzzy (MIT License)
+* `hudbars_bar_breath.png`—Wuzzy (MIT License)
+* `hudbars_bar_background.png`—Wuzzy (MIT License)
+### License references
+* [CC-BY-SA 3.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/)
+* [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)

+ 48 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+-- (Hardcoded) default settings
+hb.settings.max_bar_length = 160
+hb.settings.statbar_length = 20
+-- Statbar positions
+hb.settings.pos_left = {}
+hb.settings.pos_right = {}
+hb.settings.start_offset_left = {}
+hb.settings.start_offset_right= {}
+hb.settings.pos_left.x = hb.load_setting("hudbars_pos_left_x", "number", 0.5)
+hb.settings.pos_left.y = hb.load_setting("hudbars_pos_left_y", "number", 1)
+hb.settings.pos_right.x = hb.load_setting("hudbars_pos_right_x", "number", 0.5)
+hb.settings.pos_right.y = hb.load_setting("hudbars_pos_right_y", "number", 1)
+hb.settings.bar_type = hb.load_setting("hudbars_bar_type", "string", "progress_bar", {"progress_bar", "statbar_classic", "statbar_modern"})
+if hb.settings.bar_type == "progress_bar" then
+	hb.settings.start_offset_left.x = hb.load_setting("hudbars_start_offset_left_x", "number", -175)
+	hb.settings.start_offset_left.y = hb.load_setting("hudbars_start_offset_left_y", "number", -86)
+	hb.settings.start_offset_right.x = hb.load_setting("hudbars_start_offset_right_x", "number", 15)
+	hb.settings.start_offset_right.y = hb.load_setting("hudbars_start_offset_right_y", "number", -86)
+	hb.settings.start_offset_left.x = hb.load_setting("hudbars_start_statbar_offset_left_x", "number", -265)
+	hb.settings.start_offset_left.y = hb.load_setting("hudbars_start_statbar_offset_left_y", "number", -90)
+	hb.settings.start_offset_right.x = hb.load_setting("hudbars_start_statbar_offset_right_x", "number", 25)
+	hb.settings.start_offset_right.y = hb.load_setting("hudbars_start_statbar_offset_right_y", "number", -90)
+hb.settings.vmargin  = hb.load_setting("hudbars_vmargin", "number", 24)
+hb.settings.tick = hb.load_setting("hudbars_tick", "number", 0.1)
+-- Experimental setting: Changing this setting is not officially supported, do NOT rely on it!
+hb.settings.forceload_default_hudbars = hb.load_setting("hudbars_forceload_default_hudbars", "bool", true)
+-- Misc. settings
+hb.settings.alignment_pattern = hb.load_setting("hudbars_alignment_pattern", "string", "zigzag", {"zigzag", "stack_up", "stack_down"})
+hb.settings.autohide_breath = hb.load_setting("hudbars_autohide_breath", "bool", true)
+local sorting = minetest.settings:get("hudbars_sorting")
+if sorting ~= nil then
+	hb.settings.sorting = {}
+	hb.settings.sorting_reverse = {}
+	for k,v in string.gmatch(sorting, "(%w+)=(%w+)") do
+		hb.settings.sorting[k] = tonumber(v)
+		hb.settings.sorting_reverse[tonumber(v)] = k
+	end
+	hb.settings.sorting = { ["health"] = 0, ["breath"] = 1 }
+	hb.settings.sorting_reverse = { [0] = "health", [1] = "breath" }

+ 568 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,568 @@
+local S = minetest.get_translator("hudbars")
+local N = function(s) return s end
+hb = {}
+hb.hudtables = {}
+-- number of registered HUD bars
+hb.hudbars_count = 0
+-- table which records which HUD bar slots have been “registered” so far; used for automatic positioning
+hb.registered_slots = {}
+hb.settings = {}
+function hb.load_setting(sname, stype, defaultval, valid_values)
+	local sval
+	if stype == "string" then
+		sval = minetest.settings:get(sname)
+	elseif stype == "bool" then
+		sval = minetest.settings:get_bool(sname)
+	elseif stype == "number" then
+		sval = tonumber(minetest.settings:get(sname))
+	end
+	if sval ~= nil then
+		if valid_values ~= nil then
+			local valid = false
+			for i=1,#valid_values do
+				if sval == valid_values[i] then
+					valid = true
+				end
+			end
+			if not valid then
+				minetest.log("error", "[hudbars] Invalid value for "..sname.."! Using default value ("..tostring(defaultval)..").")
+				return defaultval
+			else
+				return sval
+			end
+		else
+			return sval
+		end
+	else
+		return defaultval
+	end
+-- Load default settings
+local function player_exists(player)
+	return player ~= nil and player:is_player()
+local function make_label(format_string, format_string_config, label, start_value, max_value)
+	local params = {}
+	local order = format_string_config.order
+	for o=1, #order do
+		if order[o] == "label" then
+			table.insert(params, label)
+		elseif order[o] == "value" then
+			if format_string_config.format_value then
+				table.insert(params, string.format(format_string_config.format_value, start_value))
+			else
+				table.insert(params, start_value)
+			end
+		elseif order[o] == "max_value" then
+			if format_string_config.format_max_value then
+				table.insert(params, string.format(format_string_config.format_max_value, max_value))
+			else
+				table.insert(params, max_value)
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	local ret
+	if format_string_config.textdomain then
+		ret = minetest.translate(format_string_config.textdomain, format_string, unpack(params))
+	else
+		ret = S(format_string, unpack(params))
+	end
+	return ret
+-- Table which contains all players with active default HUD bars (only for internal use)
+hb.players = {}
+function hb.value_to_barlength(value, max)
+	if max == 0 then
+		return 0
+	else
+		if hb.settings.bar_type == "progress_bar" then
+			local x
+			if value < 0 then x=-0.5 else x = 0.5 end
+			local ret = math.modf((value/max) * hb.settings.max_bar_length + x)
+			return ret
+		else
+			local x
+			if value < 0 then x=-0.5 else x = 0.5 end
+			local ret = math.modf((value/max) * hb.settings.statbar_length + x)
+			return ret
+		end
+	end
+function hb.get_hudtable(identifier)
+	return hb.hudtables[identifier]
+function hb.get_hudbar_position_index(identifier)
+	if hb.settings.sorting[identifier] ~= nil then
+		return hb.settings.sorting[identifier]
+	else
+		local i = 0
+		while true do
+			if hb.registered_slots[i] ~= true and hb.settings.sorting_reverse[i] == nil then
+				return i
+			end
+			i = i + 1
+		end
+	end
+function hb.register_hudbar(identifier, text_color, label, textures, default_start_value, default_start_max, default_start_hidden, format_string, format_string_config)
+	minetest.log("action", "hb.register_hudbar: "..tostring(identifier))
+	local hudtable = {}
+	local pos, offset
+	local index = math.floor(hb.get_hudbar_position_index(identifier))
+	hb.registered_slots[index] = true
+	if hb.settings.alignment_pattern == "stack_up" then
+		pos = hb.settings.pos_left
+		offset = {
+			x = hb.settings.start_offset_left.x,
+			y = hb.settings.start_offset_left.y - hb.settings.vmargin * index
+		}
+	elseif hb.settings.alignment_pattern == "stack_down" then
+		pos = hb.settings.pos_left
+		offset = {
+			x = hb.settings.start_offset_left.x,
+			y = hb.settings.start_offset_left.y + hb.settings.vmargin * index
+		}
+	else
+		if index % 2 == 0 then
+			pos = hb.settings.pos_left
+			offset = {
+				x = hb.settings.start_offset_left.x,
+				y = hb.settings.start_offset_left.y - hb.settings.vmargin * (index/2)
+			}
+		else
+			pos = hb.settings.pos_right
+			offset = {
+				x = hb.settings.start_offset_right.x,
+				y = hb.settings.start_offset_right.y - hb.settings.vmargin * ((index-1)/2)
+			}
+		end
+	end
+	if format_string == nil then
+		format_string = N("@1: @2/@3")
+	end
+	if format_string_config == nil then
+		format_string_config = {}
+	end
+	if format_string_config.order == nil then
+		format_string_config.order = { "label", "value", "max_value" }
+	end
+	if format_string_config.format_value == nil then
+		format_string_config.format_value = "%d"
+	end
+	if format_string_config.format_max_value == nil then
+		format_string_config.format_max_value = "%d"
+	end
+	hudtable.add_all = function(player, hudtable, start_value, start_max, start_hidden)
+		if start_value == nil then start_value = hudtable.default_start_value end
+		if start_max == nil then start_max = hudtable.default_start_max end
+		if start_hidden == nil then start_hidden = hudtable.default_start_hidden end
+		local ids = {}
+		local state = {}
+		local name = player:get_player_name()
+		local bgscale, iconscale, text, barnumber, bgiconnumber
+		if start_max == 0 or start_hidden then
+			bgscale = { x=0, y=0 }
+		else
+			bgscale = { x=1, y=1 }
+		end
+		if start_hidden then
+			iconscale = { x=0, y=0 }
+			barnumber = 0
+			bgiconnumber = 0
+			text = ""
+		else
+			iconscale = { x=1, y=1 }
+			barnumber = hb.value_to_barlength(start_value, start_max)
+			bgiconnumber = hb.settings.statbar_length
+			text = make_label(format_string, format_string_config, label, start_value, start_max)
+		end
+		if hb.settings.bar_type == "progress_bar" then
+			ids.bg = player:hud_add({
+				hud_elem_type = "image",
+				position = pos,
+				scale = bgscale,
+				text = "hudbars_bar_background.png",
+				alignment = {x=1,y=1},
+				offset = { x = offset.x - 1, y = offset.y - 1 },
+				z_index = 0,
+			})
+			if textures.icon ~= nil then
+				ids.icon = player:hud_add({
+					hud_elem_type = "image",
+					position = pos,
+					scale = iconscale,
+					text = textures.icon,
+					alignment = {x=-1,y=1},
+					offset = { x = offset.x - 3, y = offset.y },
+					z_index = 1,
+				})
+			end
+		end
+		local bar_image, bgicon, bar_size
+		if hb.settings.bar_type == "progress_bar" then
+			bar_image = textures.bar
+			-- NOTE: Intentionally set to nil. For some reason, on some systems,
+			-- the progress bar is displaced when the bar_size is set explicitly here.
+			-- On the other hand, setting this to nil is deprecated in MT 5.0.0 due to
+			-- a debug log warning, but nothing is explained in lua_api.txt.
+			-- This section is a potential bug magnet, please watch with care!
+			-- The size of the bar image is expected to be exactly 2×16 pixels.
+			bar_size = nil
+		elseif hb.settings.bar_type == "statbar_classic" or hb.settings.bar_type == "statbar_modern" then
+			bar_image = textures.icon
+			bgicon = textures.bgicon
+			bar_size = {x=24, y=24}
+		end
+		ids.bar = player:hud_add({
+			hud_elem_type = "statbar",
+			position = pos,
+			text = bar_image,
+			text2 = bgicon,
+			number = barnumber,
+			item = bgiconnumber,
+			alignment = {x=-1,y=-1},
+			offset = offset,
+			direction = 0,
+			size = bar_size,
+			z_index = 1,
+		})
+		if hb.settings.bar_type == "progress_bar" then
+			ids.text = player:hud_add({
+				hud_elem_type = "text",
+				position = pos,
+				text = text,
+				alignment = {x=1,y=1},
+				number = text_color,
+				direction = 0,
+				offset = { x = offset.x + 2,  y = offset.y - 1},
+				z_index = 2,
+		})
+		end
+		-- Do not forget to update hb.get_hudbar_state if you add new fields to the state table
+		state.hidden = start_hidden
+		state.value = start_value
+		state.max = start_max
+		state.text = text
+		state.barlength = hb.value_to_barlength(start_value, start_max)
+		local main_error_text =
+			"[hudbars] Bad initial values of HUD bar identifier “"..tostring(identifier).."” for player "..name..". "
+		if start_max < start_value then
+			minetest.log("error", main_error_text.."start_max ("..start_max..") is smaller than start_value ("..start_value..")!")
+		end
+		if start_max < 0 then
+			minetest.log("error", main_error_text.."start_max ("..start_max..") is smaller than 0!")
+		end
+		if start_value < 0 then
+			minetest.log("error", main_error_text.."start_value ("..start_value..") is smaller than 0!")
+		end
+		hb.hudtables[identifier].hudids[name] = ids
+		hb.hudtables[identifier].hudstate[name] = state
+	end
+	hudtable.identifier = identifier
+	hudtable.format_string = format_string
+	hudtable.format_string_config = format_string_config
+	hudtable.label = label
+	hudtable.hudids = {}
+	hudtable.hudstate = {}
+	hudtable.default_start_hidden = default_start_hidden
+	hudtable.default_start_value = default_start_value
+	hudtable.default_start_max = default_start_max
+	hb.hudbars_count= hb.hudbars_count + 1
+	hb.hudtables[identifier] = hudtable
+function hb.init_hudbar(player, identifier, start_value, start_max, start_hidden)
+	if not player_exists(player) then return false end
+	local hudtable = hb.get_hudtable(identifier)
+	hb.hudtables[identifier].add_all(player, hudtable, start_value, start_max, start_hidden)
+	return true
+function hb.change_hudbar(player, identifier, new_value, new_max_value, new_icon, new_bgicon, new_bar, new_label, new_text_color)
+	if new_value == nil and new_max_value == nil and new_icon == nil and new_bgicon == nil and new_bar == nil and new_label == nil and new_text_color == nil then
+		return true
+	end
+	if not player_exists(player) then
+		return false
+	end
+	local name = player:get_player_name()
+	local hudtable = hb.get_hudtable(identifier)
+	if not hudtable.hudstate[name] then
+		return false
+	end
+	local value_changed, max_changed = false, false
+	if new_value ~= nil then
+		if new_value ~= hudtable.hudstate[name].value then
+			hudtable.hudstate[name].value = new_value
+			value_changed = true
+		end
+	else
+		new_value = hudtable.hudstate[name].value
+	end
+	if new_max_value ~= nil then
+		if new_max_value ~= hudtable.hudstate[name].max then
+			hudtable.hudstate[name].max = new_max_value
+			max_changed = true
+		end
+	else
+		new_max_value = hudtable.hudstate[name].max
+	end
+	if hb.settings.bar_type == "progress_bar" then
+		if new_icon ~= nil and hudtable.hudids[name].icon ~= nil then
+			player:hud_change(hudtable.hudids[name].icon, "text", new_icon)
+		end
+		if new_bgicon ~= nil and hudtable.hudids[name].bgicon ~= nil then
+			player:hud_change(hudtable.hudids[name].bgicon, "text", new_bgicon)
+		end
+		if new_bar ~= nil then
+			player:hud_change(hudtable.hudids[name].bar , "text", new_bar)
+		end
+		if new_label ~= nil then
+			hudtable.label = new_label
+			local new_text = make_label(hudtable.format_string, hudtable.format_string_config, new_label, hudtable.hudstate[name].value, hudtable.hudstate[name].max)
+			player:hud_change(hudtable.hudids[name].text, "text", new_text)
+		end
+		if new_text_color ~= nil then
+			player:hud_change(hudtable.hudids[name].text, "number", new_text_color)
+		end
+	else
+		if new_icon ~= nil and hudtable.hudids[name].bar ~= nil then
+			player:hud_change(hudtable.hudids[name].bar, "text", new_icon)
+		end
+		if new_bgicon ~= nil and hudtable.hudids[name].bg ~= nil then
+			player:hud_change(hudtable.hudids[name].bg, "text", new_bgicon)
+		end
+	end
+	local main_error_text =
+		"[hudbars] Bad call to hb.change_hudbar, identifier: “"..tostring(identifier).."”, player name: “"..name.."”. "
+	if new_max_value < new_value then
+		minetest.log("error", main_error_text.."new_max_value ("..new_max_value..") is smaller than new_value ("..new_value..")!")
+	end
+	if new_max_value < 0 then
+		minetest.log("error", main_error_text.."new_max_value ("..new_max_value..") is smaller than 0!")
+	end
+	if new_value < 0 then
+		minetest.log("error", main_error_text.."new_value ("..new_value..") is smaller than 0!")
+	end
+	if hudtable.hudstate[name].hidden == false then
+		if max_changed and hb.settings.bar_type == "progress_bar" then
+			if hudtable.hudstate[name].max == 0 then
+				player:hud_change(hudtable.hudids[name].bg, "scale", {x=0,y=0})
+			else
+				player:hud_change(hudtable.hudids[name].bg, "scale", {x=1,y=1})
+			end
+		end
+		if value_changed or max_changed then
+			local new_barlength = hb.value_to_barlength(new_value, new_max_value)
+			if new_barlength ~= hudtable.hudstate[name].barlength then
+				player:hud_change(hudtable.hudids[name].bar, "number", hb.value_to_barlength(new_value, new_max_value))
+				hudtable.hudstate[name].barlength = new_barlength
+			end
+			if hb.settings.bar_type == "progress_bar" then
+				local new_text = make_label(hudtable.format_string, hudtable.format_string_config, hudtable.label, new_value, new_max_value)
+				if new_text ~= hudtable.hudstate[name].text then
+					player:hud_change(hudtable.hudids[name].text, "text", new_text)
+					hudtable.hudstate[name].text = new_text
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	return true
+function hb.hide_hudbar(player, identifier)
+	if not player_exists(player) then return false end
+	local name = player:get_player_name()
+	local hudtable = hb.get_hudtable(identifier)
+	if hudtable == nil then return false end
+	if hudtable.hudstate[name].hidden == true then return true end
+	if hb.settings.bar_type == "progress_bar" then
+		if hudtable.hudids[name].icon ~= nil then
+			player:hud_change(hudtable.hudids[name].icon, "scale", {x=0,y=0})
+		end
+		player:hud_change(hudtable.hudids[name].bg, "scale", {x=0,y=0})
+		player:hud_change(hudtable.hudids[name].text, "text", "")
+	end
+	player:hud_change(hudtable.hudids[name].bar, "number", 0)
+	player:hud_change(hudtable.hudids[name].bar, "item", 0)
+	hudtable.hudstate[name].hidden = true
+	return true
+function hb.unhide_hudbar(player, identifier)
+	if not player_exists(player) then return false end
+	local name = player:get_player_name()
+	local hudtable = hb.get_hudtable(identifier)
+	if hudtable == nil then return false end
+	if hudtable.hudstate[name].hidden == false then return true end
+	local value = hudtable.hudstate[name].value
+	local max = hudtable.hudstate[name].max
+	if hb.settings.bar_type == "progress_bar" then
+		if hudtable.hudids[name].icon ~= nil then
+			player:hud_change(hudtable.hudids[name].icon, "scale", {x=1,y=1})
+		end
+		if hudtable.hudstate[name].max ~= 0 then
+			player:hud_change(hudtable.hudids[name].bg, "scale", {x=1,y=1})
+		end
+		player:hud_change(hudtable.hudids[name].text, "text", make_label(hudtable.format_string, hudtable.format_string_config, hudtable.label, value, max))
+	elseif hb.settings.bar_type == "statbar_modern" then
+		player:hud_change(hudtable.hudids[name].bar, "scale", {x=1,y=1})
+	end
+	player:hud_change(hudtable.hudids[name].bar, "number", hb.value_to_barlength(value, max))
+	player:hud_change(hudtable.hudids[name].bar, "item", hb.value_to_barlength(max, max))
+	hudtable.hudstate[name].hidden = false
+	return true
+function hb.get_hudbar_state(player, identifier)
+	if not player_exists(player) then return nil end
+	local ref = hb.get_hudtable(identifier).hudstate[player:get_player_name()]
+	-- Do not forget to update this chunk of code in case the state changes
+	local copy = {
+		hidden = ref.hidden,
+		value = ref.value,
+		max = ref.max,
+		text = ref.text,
+		barlength = ref.barlength,
+	}
+	return copy
+function hb.get_hudbar_identifiers()
+	local ids = {}
+	for id, _ in pairs(hb.hudtables) do
+		table.insert(ids, id)
+	end
+	return ids
+--register built-in HUD bars
+if minetest.settings:get_bool("enable_damage") or hb.settings.forceload_default_hudbars then
+	hb.register_hudbar("health", 0xFFFFFF, S("Health"), { bar = "hudbars_bar_health.png", icon = "hudbars_icon_health.png", bgicon = "hudbars_bgicon_health.png" }, 20, 20, false)
+	hb.register_hudbar("breath", 0xFFFFFF, S("Breath"), { bar = "hudbars_bar_breath.png", icon = "hudbars_icon_breath.png", bgicon = "hudbars_bgicon_breath.png" }, 10, 10, true)
+local function hide_builtin(player)
+	local flags = player:hud_get_flags()
+	flags.healthbar = false
+	flags.breathbar = false
+	player:hud_set_flags(flags)
+local function custom_hud(player)
+	if minetest.settings:get_bool("enable_damage") or hb.settings.forceload_default_hudbars then
+		local hide
+		if minetest.settings:get_bool("enable_damage") then
+			hide = false
+		else
+			hide = true
+		end
+		local hp = player:get_hp()
+		local hp_max = player:get_properties().hp_max
+		hb.init_hudbar(player, "health", math.min(hp, hp_max), hp_max, hide)
+		local breath = player:get_breath()
+		local breath_max = player:get_properties().breath_max
+		local hide_breath
+		if breath >= breath_max and hb.settings.autohide_breath == true then hide_breath = true else hide_breath = false end
+		hb.init_hudbar(player, "breath", math.min(breath, breath_max), breath_max, hide_breath or hide)
+	end
+local function update_health(player)
+	local hp_max = player:get_properties().hp_max
+	hb.change_hudbar(player, "health", player:get_hp(), hp_max)
+-- update built-in HUD bars
+local function update_hud(player)
+	if not player_exists(player) then return end
+	if minetest.settings:get_bool("enable_damage") then
+		if hb.settings.forceload_default_hudbars then
+			hb.unhide_hudbar(player, "health")
+		end
+		--air
+		local breath_max = player:get_properties().breath_max
+		local breath = player:get_breath()
+		if breath >= breath_max and hb.settings.autohide_breath == true then
+			hb.hide_hudbar(player, "breath")
+		else
+			hb.unhide_hudbar(player, "breath")
+			hb.change_hudbar(player, "breath", math.min(breath, breath_max), breath_max)
+		end
+		--health
+		update_health(player)
+	elseif hb.settings.forceload_default_hudbars then
+		hb.hide_hudbar(player, "health")
+		hb.hide_hudbar(player, "breath")
+	end
+	if hb.players[player:get_player_name()] ~= nil then
+		update_health(player)
+	end
+	update_health(player)
+	hb.hide_hudbar(player, "breath")
+	hide_builtin(player)
+	custom_hud(player)
+	hb.players[player:get_player_name()] = player
+	hb.players[player:get_player_name()] = nil
+local main_timer = 0
+local timer = 0
+	main_timer = main_timer + dtime
+	timer = timer + dtime
+	if main_timer > hb.settings.tick or timer > 4 then
+		if main_timer > hb.settings.tick then main_timer = 0 end
+		-- only proceed if damage is enabled
+		if minetest.settings:get_bool("enable_damage") or hb.settings.forceload_default_hudbars then
+			for _, player in pairs(hb.players) do
+				-- update all hud elements
+				update_hud(player)
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	if timer > 4 then timer = 0 end

+ 4 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# textdomain: hudbars
+@1: @2/@3=@1: @2/@3

+ 4 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# textdomain: hudbars
+@1: @2/@3=@1: @2/@3

+ 0 - 0

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff