3.6 KB


A simple note-taking application for the command-line


The fastest way to install note is to clone it using git:

1. Clone the git repository using:

git clone

2. Navigate into the 'note' directory and run the installer

cd note      
sudo ./

Job done!

Alternative method (without git):

1. Download the source code archive:

In a terminal:
Use wget to download the archive as .zip or .tar.gz:

In a browser:
visit and download the archive as a .zip or .tar.gz.

Once you have downloaded the archive:

2. Extract the archive

e.g. unzip
tar -xvf master.tar.gz

Personally, I use dtrx - a python script available in most Linux distros and via pip (Pythons package manager) as it handles multiple archive formats and saves me from having to remember esoteric switches for different archive software!
dtrx master.tar.gz

Or you could use file-roller, or ark, or whatever your preferred archive compression/decompression tool is!

3. Navigate into the source tree and run the installer:

cd note  
sudo ./  

Job done!


If you installed via git, updating is simple.
Open a terminal and navigate into the directory where you cloned note and type the following commands:

git pull  
sudo ./  

If you installed via a .zip, or a .tar.gz - then you need to repeat the instructions for installing from zip/tar.gz.
In other words, download the latest version, extract the files and run the installation script again.


The first time you run note it will detect that settings.cfg has not been created and will automatically and silently run notesettings, creating settings.cfg and setting default values for all options.
The defaults are:
EDITOR: uses the systems default terminal text editor defined in the environment variable $EDITOR.
PAGER: uses less.
And the default setting for editor backup files is to delete them.
Note: This only works for vim-style backup files that end with ~ characters - e.g. file.txt~
I haven't implemented anything to search for backup files from other editors yet!

If you want to set your own preferences - you can run notesettings and set whatever options you like.
I tend to use vim as my editor and w3m as my pager.
After installing note on a machine where the default editor has been set to nano (not my preference); before running note, I run notesettings to set the following:

notesettings -e $(which vim) -p $(which w3m)  

When viewing notes in the terminal, you might want to use a different pager, like more, less, cat, tac, or lynx.... The choice is yours!

For more usage information - see


All code is licensed under the GNU GPL3
The man pages and all other documentation files (including this .md file) are released under the GNU FDL v1.3 (GNU Free Documentation Licence)

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License".


© 2013-2023 Jason Trunks