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- extends Label
- # Declare member variables here. Examples:
- # var a = 2
- # var b = "text"
- onready var MAIN = find_parent("MAIN")
- var alias = ''
- var id = ''
- var active = false
- # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
- func _ready():
- pass # Replace with function body.
- func _process(delta):
- if active:
- text = "logged in as @" + MAIN.client.get_username() + ":" + MAIN.client.get_homeserver()
- text = text + '\n' + "joinable room alias: " \
- + alias \
- + '\n' + "room id: " \
- + id
- # Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
- #func _process(delta):
- # pass