1.7 KB


  • listfilter
  • update [db | conf]
  • hook [name]
  • event [name]
  • init
  • show [_logpattern]
  • deinit

list --- shows all packages job list NEW --- displays new packages job list NEW|MOD --- displays new and modded packages

job init --- creates the directory tree job deinit --- deletes directory tree

job update db --- pulls new repository indexes job update conf --- pulls new config for current machine (automatically downloads packages)

job hook --- starts watching event file job hook reboot --- fires specific hook and then enters watch mode

job event reboot --- fires the reboot event

job download status --- downloads the status job

job show 2019-10-23_12:30 --- shows the run started at 2019-10-23....


event: The event spooler file. each line can contain one word. its location is determined by the environment variable JOB_EVENT_SPOOL. If empty, defaults to /tmp/job_events

repos.conf: A B C


A --- Plugin name B --- The name the repo is locally cloned C --- Arguments to the download function

example: SCP MAIN

note: job has builtin scp support

hooks.conf: A B


A --- event that fires hook B --- job name to be fired

example: init status init testpkg


  • hooks get fired from top to bottom.
  • multiple jobs can be fired for one event
  • exit is a reserved hookname and kills the watchdog.

logging: log files get printed line by line, except: the first line is .macros this enables macro support. supported are: | cmd | does | |-----|------| |.time <timestamp>|sets displayed on all following lines| |.type <error|warn|success|info>|colours the line|