test.html 2.4 KB

  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
  2. <html>
  3. <head>
  4. <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/img/OM_Logo.gif" /> <BODY BGCOLOR="#000000" TEXT="#00FF00" LINK="#00FF00" ALINK="#00FF00" VLINK="#00FF00">
  5. <title>OWLMAN</title>
  6. <body background="http://owlman.neocities.org/img/dump/green.png">
  7. <style>
  8. @font-face {
  9. font-family: '04B';
  10. src: url('/fonts/04B.TTF'); /* IE9 Compat Modes */
  11. src: url('/fonts/04B.TTF?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), /* IE6-IE8 */
  12. url('/fonts/04B.TTF') format('woff2'), /* Super Modern Browsers */
  13. url('/fonts/04B.TTF') format('woff'), /* Pretty Modern Browsers */
  14. url('/fonts/04B.TTF') format('truetype'), /* Safari, Android, iOS */
  15. url('/fonts/04B.TTF#svgFontName') format('svg'); /* Legacy iOS */
  16. }
  17. body {
  18. font-family: '04B', Fallback, sans-serif;
  19. }
  20. </style>
  21. <TABLE WIDTH=750><TD VALIGN=TOP><font face="04B">
  22. <PRE>Note, this is a page for testing how fonts look.</pre>
  23. <center><font size="6">CONTINUE FILE #666</font></center>
  24. <a href="http://www.dafont.com/jack-frost2.font">Jack Frost by Chequered Ink</a></pre>
  25. <P>
  26. CONTINUE FILE #666 [Recorded from a REAL BLOG OF A COLLEGE STUDUNT!!]*
  27. **(be fore he suidided...)
  28. <P>
  29. I am college student who lives alone in a dorm and gotted Nostalgia for the
  30. good old days. I saw there sale was pokemon emerad on (etsy (hipster ebay)
  31. so I buy. When I get catridge it was emerald only BLACK with skurleton on the
  32. front instead of Rayquaza but with blood-eyes.
  33. <P>
  34. on the file, I am in Elite
  35. four vs. Lance and only have 6 pokemon in my party. They all Unknown and spell
  36. "YOUR DEAD" Preety suspicion," I think but probably just something in my eye???
  37. The music is lavender town but backways and when I go fight He he has 666 pokemon
  38. too! hE sents one out and I HEAR ITS CRY.
  39. <P>
  40. It turns out hte pokemon they are ALL MY DEAD GIRLFRIEND, but HYPER REALISTIC
  41. AND BLOODEYE. IT'S SO SCARY YOU GUYS that I throw the playstation across the room
  42. broke the game in half. Next day I get roommate to play. He's like
  43. "Ehehehehe probably IS not that scary,"
  44. <P>
  45. but she turned on the game and the screen was a picture of US, and but we wereDEAD,
  46. and the scariest part of this story is that WE was YOU and YOU BECAME SKELETON
  47. and WROTE this...
  48. <P>
  49. End.
  50. <P>
  51. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0<P>
  52. Q W E R T Y U I O P<P>
  53. A S D F G H J K L<P>
  54. Z X C V B N M<P>
  55. q w e r t y u i o p<P>
  56. a s f g h j k l<P>
  57. z x c v b n m<P>
  58. &not; ! " &pound; $ % ^ & * ( ) _ +<P>
  59. { } : @ ~ < > ?<P>
  60. [ ] ; ' # , . / \ &#124;<P>