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  5. <META NAME="AUTHOR" CONTENT="lolwut">
  6. <META NAME="DESCRIPTION" CONTENT="Welcome to lolwut's Web Site">
  7. <META NAME="KEYWORDS" CONTENT="lolwut,2000s,nostalgia,computers,internet,web,video,games,gaming,television,tv">
  8. <TITLE>lolwut?</TITLE>
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  11. <!-- BEGIN ANNOUNCEMENT. -->
  12. <H1> has moved</H1>
  13. <P><B>Announcement, 26 April 2021:</B> For a variety of reasons, I have elected to change the site's Web hosting provider from Neocities to <A HREF="">KolymaNET</A>. If you're reading this, then you are accessing the old version of the site located at the domain, which is no longer updated; for new material you will want instead to visit <A HREF=""></A>. (Although I will not be updating or maintaining this old version of the site, I thought it better to leave it up on Neocities, rather than deleting it entirely.)</P>
  14. <P>However, I am aware that some on Neocities who read this site probably rely on their Neocities feed to stay informed about any updates to it, and consequently for their convenience I will still be updating the changelog here, in order that the update will appear in their feed. I will also <EM>not</EM> be leaving Neocities, as there are many excellent Web sites on it, and I enjoy participating in its community.</P>
  15. <!-- END ANNOUNCEMENT. -->
  16. <HR>
  18. <P><IMG SRC="images/banner.png" WIDTH="800" HEIGHT="370" ALT=" Your 2000s Entertainment Database" TITLE=" Your 2000s Entertainment Database"></P>
  19. <P><I>Banner image by <A HREF="">Human Raccoon</A></I></P>
  20. <P><A HREF="comp/4chan/serious-business.html"><Q STYLE="FONT-SIZE: 50PX;"><I>The Internet is Serious Business!</I></Q></A></P>
  21. <P><I>Today's date: Thursday, 31 December 2009</I></P>
  23. <HR>
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  25. <P>Mostly 2000s nostalgia with some other randomness thrown in.</P>
  26. <P>This site is divided into the following top-level categories:</P>
  27. <UL STYLE="FONT-SIZE: 25PX;">
  28. <LI><A HREF="comp.html">Computers, Technology, and Internet</A></LI>
  29. <LI><A HREF="gaming.html">Video Games</A></LI>
  30. <LI><A HREF="tv.html">Television</A></LI>
  31. <LI><A HREF="dd4c.html"><CITE>Doki Doki 4chan Club!</CITE></A></LI>
  32. <LI><A HREF="desuroom-revival.html">Desuroom Revival</A></LI>
  33. <LI><A HREF="flash.html">Flash Animations</A></LI>
  34. <LI><A HREF="links.html">Links</A></LI>
  35. <LI><A HREF="about.html">About</A></LI>
  36. <LI><A HREF="misc.html">Miscellaneous</A></LI>
  37. <LI><A HREF="comments.html">Comments</A></LI>
  38. <LI><A HREF="contact.html">Contact</A></LI>
  39. </UL>
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  42. <!-- BEGIN CHANGELOG. -->
  43. <H2>Changelog</H2>
  44. <UL>
  45. <LI><B>26 April 2021 (<A HREF=""></A>):</B> Added new <A HREF="">Links</A>: <A HREF="">Heyuri</A> and <A HREF="">Mootxico</A> in Computers and Internet. (These are both fine imageboards that I regularly browse, so go check them out.) The site's Web hosting provider has also been switched from <A HREF="">Neocities</A> to <A HREF="">KolymaNET</A>.</LI>
  46. <LI><B>24 April 2021:</B> The new promotional video I made for the <A HREF="desuroom-revival.html">Desuroom Revival</A> has been added to that page, along with the corresponding download links.</LI>
  47. <LI><B>16 April 2021:</B> Added new <A HREF="gaming.html">Video Games</A> in subcategory <A HREF="gaming/pc.html">PC</A>: <A HREF="gaming/pc/spongebob-movie-game.html"><CITE>The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie 3D Game</CITE></A>.</LI>
  48. <LI><B>13 April 2021:</B> Added new <A HREF="tv.html">Television</A> in subcategory <A HREF="tv/nick/spongebob.html"><CITE>SpongeBob SquarePants</CITE></A>: <A HREF="tv/nick/spongebob/spongebob-movie.html"><CITE>The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie</CITE></A>.</LI>
  49. <LI><B>9 April 2021:</B> Added new <A HREF="comp.html">Computers, Technology, and Internet</A> in subcategory <A HREF="comp/4chan.html">4chan</A>: <A HREF="comp/4chan/party-hard.html">Party Hard</A>.</LI>
  50. <LI><B>7 April 2021:</B> Added new <A HREF="comp.html">Computers, Technology, and Internet</A>: <A HREF="images/reddit.png">Reddit in a Nutshell</A>.</LI>
  51. <LI><B>5 April 2021:</B> Added new <A HREF="comp.html">Computers, Technology, and Internet</A> in subcategory <A HREF="comp/youtube.html">YouTube</A>: <A HREF="comp/youtube/caramelldansen.html">Watching <Q>Caramelldansen</Q> on YouTube</A>.</LI>
  53. <LI><B>30 March 2021:</B> Updated the footer section of every page on the site to reflect the new license, and also made several corrections, additions, and revisions across many pages.</LI>
  54. <LI><B>25 March 2021:</B> Added new <A HREF="misc.html">Miscellaneous</A>: <A HREF="misc/wtfpl.html">The Best Public-Domain-Equivalent License</A>. Also added new <A HREF="comp.html">Computers, Technology, and Internet</A> in subcategory <A HREF="comp/4chan.html">4chan</A>: <A HREF="images/desu.png">3/13/2021 - NEVAR FORGET DESU~</A>.</LI>
  55. <LI><B>21 March 2021:</B> Updated the page <A HREF="comp/flash-howto.html">How to Continue Using Flash Player in the Web Browser</A> with additional information. (More detailed notes can be found in the page's revision history.)</LI>
  56. <LI><B>18 March 2021:</B> Added new <A HREF="comp.html">Computers, Technology, and Internet</A> in subcategory <A HREF="comp/newgrounds.html">Newgrounds</A>: <A HREF="comp/newgrounds/sunshine-crew.html">The Sunshine Crew</A>.</LI>
  57. <LI><B>15 March 2021:</B> Added new <A HREF="flash.html">Flash Animations</A>: <A HREF="flash/sunshine-2021.html">Sunshine 2021</A>.</LI>
  58. <LI><B>11 March 2021:</B> Added new <A HREF="comp.html">Computers, Technology, and Internet</A> in subcategory <A HREF="comp/youtube.html">YouTube</A>: <A HREF="comp/youtube/squidward-fad.html">The Squidward Fad</A>. Made small corrections and additions to a few pages.</LI>
  59. <LI><B>9 March 2021:</B> Added new <A HREF="comp.html">Computers, Technology, and Internet</A> in subcategory <A HREF="comp/youtube.html">YouTube</A>: <A HREF="comp/youtube/annotations.html">Video Annotations</A>.</LI>
  60. <LI><B>6 March 2021:</B> Added new <A HREF="comp.html">Computers, Technology, and Internet</A> in subcategory <A HREF="comp/newgrounds.html">Newgrounds</A>: <A HREF="comp/newgrounds/scientlolojyuuichi.html">Watching <Q>ScientLOLojyuuichi!!</Q></A>.</LI>
  61. <LI><B>3 March 2021:</B> The home page now has a banner image, courtesy of <A HREF="">Human Raccoon</A>! (Go check out the site; it's very cool.) Also added new <A HREF="links.html">Links</A>: <A HREF="">Nyaa Pantsu Abuse Notices</A> in Humor, <A HREF="">Reclaim The Net</A> in Political and Advocacy, and <A HREF="">Do What the Fuck You Want to Public License</A> in Miscellaneous. Also added new <A HREF="comp.html">Computers, Technology, and Internet</A>: <A HREF="images/eternal-linux-user.png">The Eternal Linux User</A>.</LI>
  62. <LI><B>1 March 2021:</B> Added new <A HREF="comp.html">Computers, Technology, and Internet</A>: <A HREF="comp/flash-never-die.html">Adobe Flash Will Never Die</A>. (February for me was an unusually busy month, online somewhat and offline especially, but now I expect things to be largely back to normal.)</LI>
  63. <LI><B>18 February 2021:</B> Added new top-level category <A HREF="desuroom-revival.html">Desuroom Revival</A>. Also slightly revised the pages <A HREF="gaming/pc/tf2/desuroom.html">The Desuroom</A> and <A HREF="gaming/pc/tf2/harbl-hotel.html">The Greatest Map Ever Made</A> to reflect the current condition of the Desuroom Revival server.</LI>
  64. <LI><B>15 February 2021:</B> All files that had been previously hosted on <A HREF="">Catbox</A> due to Neocities' file type restrictions for free accounts have now been migrated to Neocities.</LI>
  65. <LI><B>8 February 2021:</B> The site's domain is now, but the old one at still works. Also fixed a small issue on the <A HREF="comments.html">Comments</A> page which arose due to the domain change.</LI>
  66. <LI><B>31 January 2021:</B> Updated the page <A HREF="comp/flash-howto.html">How to Continue Using Flash Player in the Web Browser</A> with additional information. (More detailed notes can be found in the page's revision history.)</LI>
  67. <LI><B>27 January 2021:</B> Added new <A HREF="comp.html">Computers, Technology, and Internet</A> in subcategory <A HREF="comp/newgrounds.html">Newgrounds</A>: <A HREF="comp/newgrounds/newgrounds-sim.html"><CITE>Newgrounds SIM</CITE></A>.</LI>
  68. <LI><B>23 January 2021:</B> Added new <A HREF="comp.html">Computers, Technology, and Internet</A> in new subcategory <A HREF="comp/newgrounds.html">Newgrounds</A>: <A HREF="comp/newgrounds/pimp.html">The Sisyphus of Our Time</A>.</LI>
  69. <LI><B>21 January 2021:</B> Added new <A HREF="links.html">Links</A>: <A HREF="">4chan Chronicle</A>, <A HREF="">Macrochan</A>, <A HREF="">MCbx Old Computer Collection</A>, and <A HREF="">No Code of Conduct</A> in Computers and Internet; <A HREF=""></A> in Novelty and Bizarre; and <A HREF="">American Institute for Economic Research</A> and <A HREF="">Mercatus Center</A> in Political and Advocacy.</LI>
  70. <LI><B>19 January 2021:</B> Added new <A HREF="gaming.html">Video Games</A> in subcategory <A HREF="gaming/pc/flash-games.html">Flash Games</A>: <A HREF="gaming/pc/flash-games/oiligarchy.html"><CITE>Oiligarchy</CITE></A>.</LI>
  71. <LI><B>12 January 2021:</B> Added new <A HREF="comp.html">Computers, Technology, and Internet</A>: <A HREF="comp/flash-howto.html">How to Continue Using Flash Player in the Web Browser</A>. (Another long one from me, it seems.)</LI>
  72. <LI><B>2 January 2021:</B> Added new <A HREF="comp.html">Computers, Technology, and Internet</A> in subcategory <A HREF="comp/youtube.html">YouTube</A>: <A HREF="comp/youtube/paul-fetch.html">Paul Fetch</A>.</LI>
  73. <LI><B>1 January 2021:</B> All logged changes for 2020 have been moved to a text file entitled <A HREF="2020-changelog.txt">2020 Changelog</A>.</LI>
  74. </UL>
  75. <P><A HREF="2020-changelog.txt">2020 Changelog</A>, <A HREF="2019-changelog.txt">2019 Changelog</A>, <A HREF="2018-changelog.txt">2018 Changelog</A></P>
  76. <!-- END CHANGELOG. -->
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  81. <A HREF=""><IMG SRC="images/msie.gif" WIDTH="88" HEIGHT="31" ALT="Best viewed with Internet Explorer" TITLE="Best viewed with Internet Explorer"></A>
  82. <A HREF=""><IMG SRC="images/made-with-windows.gif" WIDTH="88" HEIGHT="31" ALT="Proudly made on Microsoft Windows" TITLE="Proudly made on Microsoft Windows"></A>
  83. <A HREF=""><IMG SRC="images/free-speech-forever.gif" WIDTH="88" HEIGHT="31" ALT="Support freedom of speech" TITLE="Support freedom of speech"></A>
  84. <A HREF=""><IMG SRC="images/neocities.gif" WIDTH="97" HEIGHT="31" ALT="Hosted on Neocities" TITLE="Hosted on Neocities"></A>
  85. <A HREF=""><IMG SRC="images/get-flash-player.gif" WIDTH="88" HEIGHT="31" ALT="Adobe Flash will never die" TITLE="Adobe Flash will never die"></A>
  86. <A HREF=""><IMG SRC="images/get-java.gif" WIDTH="88" HEIGHT="31" ALT="Java applets will never die" TITLE="Java applets will never die"></A>
  87. </P>
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  92. <I>All written materials on this Web site are my own, and all are <A HREF="LICENSE.txt">released</A> under the <A REL="LICENSE" HREF="">Do What the Fuck You Want to Public License Version 2</A>.</I>
  93. </P>
  94. <P><I>This page last modified on 26 April 2021.</I></P>
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