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- The version of Recast is 1.5.0, from:
- https://github.com/recastnavigation/recastnavigation
- Changes made:
- * Recast/Source/RecastMesh.cpp: made buildMeshAdjacency() non-static so it can be used with recast-capi
- * Recast/Include/Recast.h: Added forward declaration for buildMeshAdjacency()
- The following additional files were added:
- * recast-capi.cpp
- * recast-capi.h
- These expose a C interface to the Recast library, which has only C++ headers.
- The version of Detour is 1.4, from:
- https://code.google.com/archive/p/recastnavigation/downloads
- Changes made:
- * DetourStatNavMesh.h: use more portable definition of DT_STAT_NAVMESH_MAGIC
- * DetourStatNavMesh.cpp: comment out some unused variables to avoid compiler warnings
- * DetourStatNavMeshBuilder.h: add forward declaration for createBVTree
- * DetourStatNavMeshBuilder.cpp: made createBVTree non-static for use with recast-capi
- The CMakeLists.txt file has been added, since the original software does not include build files for the libraries.
- ~rdb