berusky3d.ini 3.4 KB

  1. ; Game configuration file when data are installed
  2. ; in global location (/usr/share/berusky2)
  3. ; Game installation location
  4. ; you can use "." and "~" directories
  5. [install]
  6. ; those directories/files has to be read/write
  7. save_dir=~/.berusky2/Save
  8. profile_dir=~/.berusky2/Save/profiles
  9. ; unset if you don't want logs
  10. log_file=~/.berusky2/b2gamelog.txt
  11. ; this directory can be read-only
  12. game_root=/usr/share/berusky2
  13. [game]
  14. fullscreen=0
  15. no_sound=0
  16. camera_type=1
  17. ovladani=1
  18. posouvat_kameru=0
  19. bugs_highlight=0
  20. items_highlight=0
  21. p_kamera_radius=3.000000
  22. p_kamera_alfa=0.350000
  23. cursor=cursor
  24. last_profile=0002.prf
  25. ditering=0
  26. ovladani=1
  27. ovladani_rohy=0
  28. ovladani_rohy_default=1
  29. ovladani_rohy_smer=0
  30. ovladani_rohy_rychlost=0.500000
  31. ovladani_pr_posun=1
  32. camera_intro=1
  33. bInventory=0
  34. mirror_effects=1
  35. [textures]
  36. text_ans_stupen=1
  37. text_detail0=0
  38. text_detail1=0
  39. text_detail2=0
  40. text_detail3=0
  41. text_detail4=0
  42. text_kvalita=0
  43. text_komprese=1
  44. text_komprese_format=0 ; Format DXT (DXT1,....)
  45. text_mip_mapping=1
  46. text_mip_filtr=1
  47. text_detail=0
  48. text_bpp=32
  49. text_perspective=1
  50. text_max=0 ; Automaticke orezavani textur na tyto rozmery, pokud karta umi mene, automaticky se to zapne
  51. text_max_x=2048 ; max sirka textur (pokud karta umi min, zmensi se to)
  52. text_max_y=2048 ; max vyska textur
  53. text_detail_light=0
  54. text_ostrost=1.000000
  55. text_bpp_plocha=0
  56. text_hi_res=1
  57. text_ans=0
  58. text_ans_level=0
  59. [debug]
  60. debug_vypisy=0
  61. debug_light=0
  62. debug_fps=0
  63. debug_draty=0
  64. debug_kamery=0
  65. start-konzole=1
  66. [files]
  67. prvky_dir=items
  68. level_dir=levely
  69. out_dir=out
  70. material_dir=materials
  71. data_dir=data
  72. scene_dir=sceny
  73. bitmap_dir=bitmap
  74. game_level_dir=game
  75. game_data_dir=game_data
  76. texture_dir0=textures/general
  77. texture_dir0_class=1
  78. texture_dir1=textures/stul
  79. texture_dir1_class=3
  80. texture_dir2=textures/balkon
  81. texture_dir2_class=3
  82. texture_dir3=textures/kanal
  83. texture_dir3_class=3
  84. texture_dir4=textures/voda
  85. texture_dir4_class=3
  86. texture_dir5=textures/silnice
  87. texture_dir5_class=3
  88. texture_dir6=textures/zahrada
  89. texture_dir6_class=3
  90. texture_dir7=textures/bazina
  91. texture_dir7_class=3
  92. texture_dir8=textures/les
  93. texture_dir8_class=3
  94. texture_dir9=textures/tutorial
  95. texture_dir9_class=3
  96. texture_dir10=textures/strom
  97. texture_dir10_class=3
  98. texture_dir11=textures/detska
  99. texture_dir11_class=3
  100. texture_dir12=textures/items
  101. texture_dir12_class=2
  102. system_material_1=fleky.b2t
  103. system_material_2=mraky.b2t
  104. system_material_3=flare.b2t
  105. system_material_4=castice.b2t
  106. 3dmenu_dir=3dmenu
  107. bitmap_subdir=bitmap
  108. font_dir1=font_en
  109. font_dir2=font3d_en
  110. font_dir3=font_system_en
  111. font_dir4=font_system2_en
  112. font_dir5=font_system3d_en
  113. [soundengine]
  114. channels=16
  115. sound_dir=sound
  116. music_dir=music
  117. pre_load=16000000
  118. soundvolume=100
  119. musicvolume=53
  120. ambientvolume=100
  121. [controls]
  122. ;ovladani berusek
  123. move_forward=273
  124. turn_back=274
  125. turn_left=276
  126. turn_right=275
  127. next_beatle=9
  128. beatle1=49
  129. beatle2=50
  130. beatle3=51
  131. beatle4=52
  132. beatle5=53
  133. beatle6=54
  134. ;inventorar
  135. disable_inventory=292
  136. inventory=23
  137. inventory_select=28
  138. inventory_left=75
  139. inventory_right=77
  140. inventory_cancel=1
  141. item1=0
  142. item2=0
  143. item3=0
  144. item4=0
  145. ;ovladani kamery
  146. camera_move_left=0
  147. camera_move_right=0
  148. camera_move_forward=0
  149. camera_move_back=0
  150. camera_zoom_in=61
  151. camera_zoom_out=45
  152. camera_turn_left=0
  153. camera_turn_right=0
  154. camera_turn_up=0
  155. camera_turn_down=0
  156. camera_fast_turn_left=120
  157. camera_fast_turn_right=118
  158. camera_center=99
  159. ;game
  160. menu=27
  161. item_lock=38
  162. blow_detonation_pack=48
  163. next_song=49
  164. disable_top_ledge=293
  165. screenshot=316
  166. visibility=32
  167. hint=104
  168. raitracing=52
  169. camera_rotation=306
  170. camera_move=304
  171. help=282
  172. restart=114
  173. highlight=108
  174. pause=25