1. GRASS (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System) is a free
  2. Geographic Information System (GIS) used for geospatial data
  3. management and analysis, image processing, graphics/maps production,
  4. spatial modeling, and visualization. GRASS is an official project of
  5. the Open Source Geospatial Foundation.
  6. The following options may be enabled:
  7. mariadb for mariadb (or mysql) database support
  8. postgresql for postgresql database support
  9. (requires postgresql)
  10. sqlite for sqlite database support
  11. unixODBC for ODBC support
  12. (requires unixODBC)
  13. gmath for the GRASS gmath library
  14. (requires both blas and lapack)
  15. netcdf for netcdf export
  16. (requires netcdf)
  17. libLAS for LAS LiDAR file support
  18. (requires libLAS)
  19. opencl for OpenCL GPU acceleration
  20. (requires nvidia-driver or amd-app-sdk and
  21. suitable GPU)
  22. The options you require must be specified by setting the variable
  23. ENABLE before running grass.SlackBuild, for example
  24. ENABLE="sqlite,netcdf" ./grass.SlackBuild
  25. ffmpeg is an optional runtime dependency for the Animation tool
  26. (g.gui.module).
  27. If you need to make grass libraries available to other applications
  28. (e.g. qgis) do this:
  29. echo /opt/grass/lib >> /etc/ && ldconfig