mac.rst 3.8 KB

  1. .. RST source for mac(1) man page. Convert with:
  2. .. mac.rst > mac.1
  3. .. comes from the SBo development/docutils package.
  4. .. |version| replace:: 3.99_u4_b5_s7
  5. .. |date| date::
  6. ===
  7. mac
  8. ===
  9. ----------------------------------------
  10. decode/encode Monkey's Audio codec files
  11. ----------------------------------------
  12. :Manual section: 1
  13. :Manual group:
  14. :Date: |date|
  15. :Version: |version|
  17. ========
  18. **mac** [*input-file*] [*output-file*] [ [**-c** | **-n** ] *level* ]
  19. **mac** [*input-file*] [ **-d** | **-v** | **-q** ]
  21. ===========
  22. Monkey's Audio (aka APE) is a lossless audio compression format,
  23. similar to FLAC. mac is a console frontend to Monkey's Audio, able to
  24. encode and decode APE audio files.
  25. If you encode a WAV file to APE, then decode it back to WAV, the
  26. audio in the decoded WAV file will be byte-for-byte identical to the
  27. original (although any extra data such as tags/comments in the RIFF
  28. header will not be preserved).
  30. =======
  31. Note: Only one of the options below can be given, and it must occur
  32. last on the command line (after the filename(s)). Spaces are not
  33. allowed between the **-c** or **-n** option and its *level* argument.
  34. **-c[level]**
  35. Compress (encode). *input-file* must be a WAV file with 16-bit samples.
  36. *output-file* will be an APE audio file. Higher *level*\s result
  37. in better compression, at the expense of longer encoding time. The
  38. supported levels are:
  39. 1000
  40. *(fast)*, usually around 45%-50% compression ratio.
  41. 2000
  42. *(normal)*, usually around 40%-45% compression ratio.
  43. 3000
  44. *(high)*, only slightly better than 2000 (usually by 1% or so).
  45. 4000
  46. *(very high)*, probably the point of diminishing returns.
  47. 5000
  48. *(insane)*, takes around 3x as long as 4000, may not compress any better.
  49. **-n[level]**
  50. Convert (recompress). As **-c**, but **input-file** must be an APE audio
  51. file.
  52. **-d**
  53. Decompress (decode). *input-file* must be an APE audio file.
  54. *output-file* will be a WAV file.
  55. **-v**
  56. Verify. *input-file* must be an APE audio file. It will be decoded, and
  57. any errors will be displayed, but the decoded audio won't be saved.
  58. **-q**
  59. Quick verify. Just checks that *input-file* has a valid APE header.
  60. **--help**
  61. Show built-in usage message (same as running **mac** with no arguments).
  63. ========
  64. Compress
  65. mac "Metallica - One.wav" "Metallica - One.ape" -c2000
  66. Decompress
  67. mac "Metallica - One.ape" "Metallica - One.wav" -d
  68. Verify
  69. mac "Metallica - One.ape" -v
  70. Quick verify
  71. mac "Metallica - One.ape" -q
  72. Note that filenames with spaces and punctuation should be put inside
  73. quote, as usual.
  74. NOTES
  75. =====
  76. **mac** can only handle WAV files with 8- or 16-bit samples, not
  77. e.g. 24-bit or floating point. If needed, you can convert to 16-bit
  78. with a command like:
  79. $ sox -G input.wav -b16 output.wav
  80. WAV files must have 1 or 2 channels (mono or stereo;
  81. quad/surround/5.1/etc are not supported). Any sampling rate is
  82. supported.
  83. **ffmpeg**\(1) can decode and convert APE files, though it cannot encode
  84. to APE.
  85. **mplayer**\(1) and **audacious**\(1) can play APE files.
  86. **file**\(1) knows about APE files. Example:
  87. $ file test.ape
  88. test.ape: Monkey's Audio compressed format version 3990 with normal compression, stereo, sample rate 48000
  90. =========
  91. See the file /usr/doc/mac-|version|/License.htm for license information.
  93. =======
  94. The original Monkey's Audio Codec was written by Matthew
  95. T. Ashland. It was ported to Linux by Frank Klemm and SuperMMX, then
  96. enhanced and bugfixed by Jason Jordan.
  97. This man page written for the project
  98. by B. Watson, and is licensed under the WTFPL.
  99. SEE ALSO
  100. ========
  101. **ffmpeg**\(1), **mplayer**\(1), **audacious**\(1), **flac**\(1), **shorten**\(1), **sox**\(1)
  102. The Monkey's Audio Codec homepage: