1. Clustal is a widely used, multiple sequence alignment program. This
  2. is Clustal Omega, the latest addition to the Clustal family. It
  3. offers a significant increase in scalability over previous versions,
  4. allowing hundreds of thousands of sequences to be aligned in only a
  5. few hours. In addition, the quality of alignments is superior to
  6. previous versions, as measured by a range of popular benchmarks.
  7. Clustal Omega is currently a command line-only tool, but the following
  8. independent programs provide an easy to use GUI:
  9. - seaview
  10. - ugene
  11. If you like Clustal-Omega please cite:
  12. Sievers F, Wilm A, Dineen D, Gibson TJ, Karplus K, Li W, Lopez R,
  13. McWilliam H, Remmert M, Söding J, Thompson JD, Higgins DG.
  14. Fast, scalable generation of high-quality protein multiple sequence
  15. alignments using Clustal Omega. Mol Syst Biol. 2011 Oct 11;7:539. doi:
  16. 10.1038/msb.2011.75. PMID: 21988835.