Enhanced version of Nestopia for Linux, BSD, macOS, Windows, and more

rdanbrook 8587ea4311 Merge pull request #96 from webgeek1234/master 4 years ago
doc 342e8c4086 Initial Commit 11 years ago
extras 6baed9b36a Added 1536 byte palettes 5 years ago
icons f7152269ac Removed option to disable GUI 6 years ago
libretro 484cd654a0 libretro: allow mingw cross compile 4 years ago
source 2b7d528bba Add UNL-KS7031 4 years ago
.gitignore 646ba9ce20 Add more entries to .gitignore after building on Ubuntu. 6 years ago
.travis.yml 328bb1769d Remove broken builds from travis 5 years ago
AUTHORS 1721c04633 Added FirebrandX's palettes 8 years ago
COPYING 342e8c4086 Initial Commit 11 years ago
ChangeLog f3571bb62a Updated ChangeLog 5 years ago
Makefile.am bf9996b089 Add Action 53 (mapper 28) 4 years ago
NstDatabase.xml 7e0f14b32e Fix permissions. 7 years ago
README.md dcb2cf1d07 Updated build instructions in README.md 5 years ago
appveyor.yml 68b23adc11 Appveyor CI 6 years ago
configure.ac 0308f3be96 Update version in autoconf 5 years ago
readme.html 342e8c4086 Initial Commit 11 years ago
schemadb.xsd 342e8c4086 Initial Commit 11 years ago
schemaromset.xsd 342e8c4086 Initial Commit 11 years ago


Build Status Build status

This project is a fork of the original Nestopia source code, plus the Linux port. The purpose of the project is to enhance the original, and ensure it continues to work on modern operating systems.

The following platforms are supported:

  • Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, OS X, Windows
  • Anything supported by libretro

This project depends on the following libraries: libsdl2, libepoxy, libao, libarchive, zlib

Optionally, it depends on GTK+3 for the GUI, currently only available on Linux and BSD.

Installing Dependencies

Install dependencies required for building on Debian-based Linux distributions:

apt-get install build-essential autoconf autoconf-archive automake autotools-dev libsdl2-dev libepoxy-dev libarchive-dev zlib1g-dev

Optional dependencies:

apt-get install libao-dev libjack-dev libgtk-3-dev


To build using Autotools (optional arguments in square brackets):

autoreconf -vif
./configure [--enable-gui] [--enable-doc] [--with-ao] [--with-jack]


make install

Differences on OS X:

export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/opt/libarchive/lib/pkgconfig/
./configure --disable-gui

In order to bootstrap the Autotools you will need:

  1. Autoconf; latest 2.69 release (http://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf/)

    GNU Autoconf produces the ./configure script from configure.ac.

  2. Automake; latest 1.15 release (http://www.gnu.org/software/automake/)

    GNU Automake produces the Makefile.in precursor, that is processed with ./configure to yield the final Makefile.

  3. Autoconf Archive; latest 2016.09.16 release (http://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf-archive/)

    The configure.ac requires a number of m4 macros from the Autoconf archive.