#2 We need 3D drag and drop to hit flove-words, so...

vor 7 Jahren geöffnet von aleph · 0 Kommentare
aleph kommentierte vor 7 Jahren

Who can do this?

Anyone, just pull request or ask for admin user if you feel it.

Is this a very specific or timelined task?

No. This is just for you to offer a Three.js UI prototype. You don't need to plug it on Flove.org BaaS API: WE WILL DO!

So this what we need. Join discussion below.

So, what are we talking about; a Three.js mockup that...?

... prepare such an scene (with cameras and lights) to hold drag and drop bubbles like to hold flove-words.

Users will touch bubbles and move them while spreading flow on flove-wordchain or flove-wordtree; of course, gaming machine will be embbeded so automatic drag and drop can be made.

Each bubble is a flove-word. Or it is a flove-chain; or a flove-tree; whatever.

Sorry, your floving is not lightful enough, what are you asking for?

Named: https://www.script-tutorials.com/webgl-with-three-js-lesson-10/

Ok, I got something you may like or I'm going to do it and plug it to your Flove.org API, how do I plug?

Please, ask to sysadmin to generate your javascript or whatever you need swagger API client demo kit.


Thanks for comming! @mmm @aleph

# Who can do this? Anyone, just *pull request* or ask for admin user if you feel it. # Is this a very specific or timelined task? No. This is just for you to offer a Three.js UI prototype. You don't need to plug it on Flove.org BaaS API: WE WILL DO! So this what we need. Join discussion below. # So, what are we talking about; a Three.js mockup that...? ... prepare such an scene (with cameras and lights) to hold drag and drop bubbles like to hold **flove-words**. Users will touch bubbles and move them while spreading flow on **flove-wordchain** or **flove-wordtree**; of course, gaming machine will be embbeded so automatic drag and drop can be made. Each bubble is a flove-word. Or it is a flove-chain; or a flove-tree; whatever. # Sorry, your floving is not lightful enough, what are you asking for? Named: https://www.script-tutorials.com/webgl-with-three-js-lesson-10/ # Ok, I got something you may like or I'm going to do it and plug it to your Flove.org API, how do I plug? Please, ask to sysadmin to generate your javascript or whatever you need swagger API client demo kit. # About Thanks for comming! @mmm @aleph
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