wash 713 B

  1. Related: clean, water, sanitation, sewer
  2. A few ideas to make washing easier:
  3. Fit laundry and dish washers with containers that automatically dispense a configurable amount of soap each time.
  4. ==Dishes
  5. Multiple trays
  6. ==Clothes
  7. Multiple laundry baskets (maybe around 5) let the user sort clothes early.
  8. When each basket reaches a weight limit, and if another load is not running, it is dumped in the washer.
  9. The washer dumps into the dryer when finished.
  10. The dryer dumps into a counterbalanced dumb-waiter, delivering the clothes back to the correct room.
  11. ==House
  12. VacBot: industrial-strength cleaning unit to cleans floors and lower walls. Optional wet-vac steam pass. Smaller version cleans countertops.